The logo is the main symbol that identifies Rackham Graduate School. The marketing logo or formal stacked logo must appear on all publications, websites, and other visual communications developed by Rackham for external audiences.
Our Logo Is Our Signature
Our logo should always be the most consistent component in our communications.
The Rackham logo was carefully designed based on the proportions of the copyrighted Block M. Each element was sized, placed, and colored for maximum visibility and legibility.
- Do not modify the size, position, color or relationship of any of these elements.
- Use only official, unaltered logos/marks and unit logos designed to approved specs. Do not recreate logos/marks.
- Only use University of Michigan logos/marks on official communications, partnerships and sponsorships. U-M does not generally allow use of its logos/marks for projects not affiliated with the university, other than commercial products licensed through IMG Licensing, U-M’s licensing partner.

Formal or Marketing Logo
As the title suggests, this mark is intended for formal representation of a unit. Linking the unit directly to the Block M without the addition of “University of Michigan” should be reserved for internal communications or for outreach to stakeholders who are already familiar with the unit.
This is the primary Rackham logo to be used in communications to outside audiences.

Formal or Marketing Stacked Logo
This logo is typically reserved for settings in which there is limited space and the preferred horizontal mark would not be legible.

Informal Logo
As the title suggests, this mark is intended for informal representation of a unit. Linking the unit directly to the Block M without the addition of “University of Michigan” should be reserved for internal communications or for outreach to stakeholders who are already familiar with the unit.
This is the primary logo to be used when communicating within the School.

Informal Stacked Logo
This logo is typically reserved for settings in which there is limited space and the preferred horizontal mark would not be legible.

Box Logo
Generally used in video, this logo is placed over textured imagery where it’s hard to maintain contrast for logo readability.

Maintaining Clear Space
Always position the logo for maximum impact and give it plenty of room to help to ensure visibility and legibility.
The minimum clear space for the Rackham logo is defined as twice the height of the block serif. Understanding the clear-space rule is essential, as it is also the standard for logo position and scale on most printed communications. In that regard, the clear space rule should be maintained as the logo is proportionately enlarged or reduced in size.
Stacked Logo
x = internal breathing space based on the size of the serif
2x = external safe space to aid readability and ensure no other graphic becomes visually attached to the official identity
Horizontal Logo
x = internal breathing space based on the size of the serif
2x = external safe space to aid readability and ensure no other graphic becomes visually attached to the official identity
Minimum Size
When reproducing the primary logo, be conscious of its size and legibility — a signature that is too small ceases to serve any useful communication function. The primary logo should never appear less than 3/4″ tall in printed materials, and no less than 75 px tall in the digital realm. A unit logo may be reduced 3/8″ tall in print, and 36 px digitally.

The University Seal
The Seal of the University of Michigan is used as a formal insignia on official university documents and on materials produced for the U-M regents and president.
The seal is not a marketing logo. Use of the seal for any purpose other than those listed below must be approved by the ID Standards team.
There are also seals for Michigan’s regional campuses in Dearborn and Flint.
Usage Guidelines
The Seal May Be Used For:
- Stationery products for the regents and the president
- Diplomas, transcripts, certificates, and other similar materials related to official university business
- Lecterns and podiums in auditoriums
- DPSS badges, uniforms, and vehicles
- University academic flags
- Gifts and apparel offered commercially through the U-M’s licensing partner, IMG Licensing
The Seal May Not Be Used:
- for non-regental or non-presidential stationery products
- for printed or digital marketing materials on websites (with the exception of regents.umich.edu)
- in social media messaging
- by students

Logo Guidelines
DO NOT modify, redesign, redraw, distort or alter the proportions of the mark
DO NOT add words, images, or other design elements or effects to the mark, or add the mark to another graphic
DO NOT modify the size or position relationship of any element within the logo Block M
DO NOT rotate or render the mark threedimensionally
DO NOT use any part of the mark as part of another word

Internal Rackham Logos
For signature internal programs and initiatives for which Rackham is the sole principal or the principal partner, the communications team can develop a logo and/or branding. Such logos are designed in strict accordance with overall university logo and branding guidelines. Once approved, they must be used for a minimum of three years before being eligible for redesign.