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Discover Rackham

Meet the Bloggers: Jeff Lowe

Hello blog readers! I’m Jeff Lowe, one of the newest student bloggers. I’m eager to provide some new and exciting posts to this already vibrant blog. Before I do so, I would like to introduce myself. I am what my friends refer to as a “Michigan Man,” but not in the...

Student Spotlight: Bonnie Applebeet

Student Spotlight: Bonnie Applebeet

“Graduate school is its own special world. Writing the dissertation is both a challenge and a blessing—you have to be in charge of your own progress. The day to day is up to you. Once I really get it down pat it will be a skill I’ll always use. It’s also really...

Student Spotlight: Margaret Fish

Student Spotlight: Margaret Fish

This Division I varsity swimmer from Harvard is used to doing laps. Laps take on a whole new meaning for Margaret Fish now as a graduate student driving the loop every day from her home near Central Campus to her lab on North Campus. Margaret is a doctoral candidate...

Student Spotlight: Nick Caverly

Student Spotlight: Nick Caverly

Nick is a second year sociocultural anthropology student researching what happens to vacant and abandoned buildings in Detroit. He asserts, “I want to know what happens when people take them apart; the lives of the scrappers and recyclers involved, how things make...

Student Spotlight: Ann-Marie Frankini

Student Spotlight: Ann-Marie Frankini

Graduate school has been a true labor of love for Ann-Marie. “I don’t believe in retirement. To me, retirement would be working part-time. I want to contribute back to the field in new ways, do basic research and find ways to improve patient care. At 57, completing my...

Student Spotlight: Kimberly Reyes

Student Spotlight: Kimberly Reyes

“Part of why I’m in grad school is to understand my own story and the stories of others like me.” Kim is the daughter of a Guatemalan immigrant. Her mother, trained as a nurse in her home country, came to Los Angeles with only a 6th grade formal education. Here in the...

Not Too Old for the Earth

Club doorman from the movie Knocked-Up: “I can’t let you in ‘cause you’re old as ****. For this club, you know, not for the Earth.” Every once in a while I get an e-mail from U-M that has my demographic information on it. Normally I don’t read the demographic stuff. I...

Student Spotlight: Joe Cialdella

Student Spotlight: Joe Cialdella

Space has a big influence on Joe Cialdella. He finds himself gravitating to work, research and opportunities to explore connections to the environment around him. Hailing from Kalamazoo, he came to Michigan as an undergraduate in the Residential College (RC). “While...

Student Spotlight: Anne Fitzpatrick

Student Spotlight: Anne Fitzpatrick

Anne attended Cornell for her undergraduate degree and fully expected to return there for graduate work after working for a few years. “Then I came to visit Michigan and knew this was the place for me. There are so many resources here, the faculty are accessible, the...