Rack the Vote

Voters aged 18 to 35 represent the largest voting bloc in the United States. When you vote, you have the power to shape policy and politics, and to prioritize what you care about. According to data from the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement, approximately 78 percent of eligible Michigan students voted in the 2020 presidential election, an increase of 18 points from 2016. But we can still do better.
In 2020, nearly 9,000 eligible University of Michigan students did not vote. Rack the Vote is a nonpartisan initiative partnered with the UMICH Votes coalition, whose mission is to improve the accessibility of voting, foster the confidence necessary to navigate the voting process successfully, and help students understand why their votes matter. Look for #UMichVotes on social, and please use it to spread the word and encourage your friends to vote. Visit govote.umich.edu to learn more.