GRADitude in Extraordinary Times: A Virtual Celebration of Rackham Donors and Scholars
In a year marked by rapid changes and sharp pivots, Rackham students have shown incredible flexibility and resilience in the face of uncertainty. Thanks to the support of our donors, they didn’t have to do it alone. During the 2020-21 year, 1,690+ generous alumni and friends made advancing graduate education part of their personal mission, donating more than $4.6 million to provide student support and bolster critical programming.
To those who have and continue to partner with us in our endeavor to reimagine the graduate experience, we are deeply grateful. Thank you.
Your Impact at Rackham
Please enjoy reading a bit about some of the brilliant Rackham scholars who have received critical funding, thanks to the generosity of donors like you.

Nathalie Momplaisir, Pharmacology
Phyllis M. Wise Endowed Graduate Student Award Fund
Nathalie’s work merges multiple disciplines to address complex multifactorial disease states, and her primary interest lies with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are common pharmacological targets found throughout the body. Although there is a large amount of literature on the regulatory role of GPCRs, current GPCR drugs target only about 10 percent of all GPCRs that are considered as druggable’ targets. Therefore, discovering new GPCR signaling mechanisms remains popular for drug discovery purposes. Currently, Nathalie is working in the Smrcka lab where she is working on the identification and characterization of the Gi family of these GPCRs. This investigation stems from studies that were done in the lab which reveal the implications of Gai in the regulation of cellular migration, an important process in inflammation, cancer, wound healing, and beyond.
“While still going through this journey, I am grateful to be at the University of Michigan where there are many resources and people that contribute to my continued scientific and professional growth. I am even more grateful for the Phyllis M. Wise Award for providing financial support to me in moments where personal aspects of my life can be stressful and get in the way of my educational path. My educational goals would not be possible without various sponsors like you. Your support brought me one step closer to my vision of being a contributor to the next generation of scientists.”

Cynthia Magallanes-Gonzalez, Psychology
T.W. Kurczynski Family Fund
Cynthia’s research centers on migration and race in North Africa, specifically examining the intersections of immigration status, race, class, and gender in Morocco—where she traveled as the recipient of a Fulbright Research Grant. Her most recent project examined the proliferation of funds that entered Morocco in an attempt to halt mostly West and Central African immigrants and refugees from entering Europe as a result of the Kingdom’s immigration policy implemented in 2013-14. Specifically, Cynthia explores how migrant activists navigate the “migration industry.” Her previous research focused on how immigrant and refugee mothers in Morocco redefine transnational mothering while in transit to Europe.
“My education has been financed by scholarships, government grants, my own wages, and people like you. I always intend to pay it forward by engaging in work that will help change the lives of vulnerable people and that is what my Rackham internship is all about this summer—trying to ameliorate the lives of human trafficking survivors. This internship would not have been possible without your generous support.”

Xi Wang, Civil Engineering
Barbour Scholarship
Human-robot collaboration offers a promising paradigm for construction robotics and can allow robots to leverage human expertise and experience to overcome workspace uncertainties and successfully perform construction work on-site. Xi Wang’s dissertation proposes a transformative human-robot collaborative construction system to promote robot autonomy, reduce workers’ physical and mental workload, and create an inclusive and safer working environment. To do this, an immersive process-level virtual reality digital twin is developed for workers to collaborate with on-site robots remotely. Workers demonstrate tasks and robots learn to perform them given the workers’ feedback. Xi’s dissertation establishes the foundation of next-generation construction work by transitioning the role of workers from manual task performers to robot supervisors.
“The Barbour Scholarship supports me in strengthening my robotics technological skills and research record in my final year. It helps a lot as I work on my dissertation and head toward graduation. I believe I can successfully get a research position to continue my research on human-robot collaborative construction after my graduation with the support of the Barbour Scholarship.”
As a Barbour Scholar, Xi joins a community of women who illustrate the importance of a global graduate experience and the impact of donors who see the brilliance in others. Levi Barbour created this fund in 1917, and more than 100 years later, students like Xi are still benefiting from this act of generosity.

Bosun Roy-Layinde, Chemical Engineering
Dorothy Hall Brophy, Jere Hall Brophy, and Elaine Wright Brophy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Bosun’s research in the field of chemical engineering focuses on the use of photovoltaic cells in thermophotovoltaic applications, so as to convert thermal radiation from local hot sources to electricity. This technology is critical on the path to addressing some challenges involving intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar. After he completes his Ph.D., Bosun plans to pursue a startup company that adds value to our global transition to renewable energy. He also has an interest in working at a consultancy firm to address some of the issues at the intersection of energy and diversity.
“When I moved over 5,000 miles away from home in Nigeria, I wasn’t sure if I was intelligent enough for the American school system. This award not only supports me as a student, but also helps validate that I belong here. It is an award that recognizes and motivates my effort in becoming a better student and human, and for that, I am very grateful.”

Casidy Campbell, American Culture
Roslyn M. Abrams Fund for Graduate Students
Casidy’s dissertation explores how Black girls shape and are shaped by the internet (i.e., social media, codes, networks), focusing on moments when Black girls’ narratives and ways of knowing, or epistemologies, have been flattened by the internet’s infrastructure. Her current project has roots in her experience as a support teacher working with middle school children with learning disabilities. When trying to reach and inspire her Black girl students, she turned to #BlackGirlMagic. However, seeing #BlackGirlMagic circulated online with marginal representation for adolescent Black girls compelled her to wonder about the utility of hashtag activism. With the help of the Roslyn M. Abrams Fund, Casidy can purchase transcription services and compensate her research participants for their time and generosity.
“Their words and stories have transformed the stories I am able to write about Black girls. The trajectory of my dissertation has been shaped by their experiences as Black girls, and I hope my writing will honor them in the ways that they deserve. This is only the beginning of how this award can create new possibilities for my project...By awarding me the Roslyn M. Abrams Fund, you have alleviated some of my financial burden so that I can focus on progressing in my research and giving back to those who make this work possible.”
Thank You for Your Support
- Usama Abdali and Kisook Park
- A. Geoffrey Abelson
- Fadi Abourjeily and Farah Fawaz
- Thomas Abraham
- Jacques and Susan Abrams
- Roslyn Abrams
- Cecelia and Milton Abramson
- Phyllis Ackman
- Mary Acosta
- Karen M. Adams
- Joy Addison
- Haroutioun Adjemian
- Judith and Ronald Adler
- Stephen Adler
- Fred Aeilts and Lillis Lloyd
- Luciana Aenasoaie
- Barbara and Stuart Aferiat
- Bonnie and Charles Agerstrand
- Rosemary Agostini and George Brooks
- David and Mary Ahlgren
- Debra and William Ahrens
- Wei Ai and Haiyin Liu
- Anne and Robert Aitchison
- Rutvi Ajbani
- Kelechi Ajunwa
- William Akerly
- Jane Aldrich and Cass Singer
- Christopher Alhambra
- Hayatt Ali
- Azlynda Alim and Daniel Friedland
- Katherine and Michael Alioto
- Alec and Judy Allen
- Elena and Michael Allen
- Virginia Allen
- Timothy Allison and Anna Ortiz
- Aundrea Almond
- Virginia Aloysi
- Hope and Noah Alper
- Dana Alpern and John Pollick
- Maureen Alterman
- Anthony Amadeo and Silvana Dimino
- David and J. Phoebe Amante
- Julie Amberg and Tony Stelly
- David and Helen Aminoff
- Albert and Rebecca Ammerman
- Yanming An and Minbo Li
- Jonathan Andelson
- Mark Andersland and Mary Pruzinsky
- Christiane Anderson
- David Anderson and Adrienne Oleck
- Elizabeth and Patrick Anderson
- James Anderson and Barbara Ewels
- Kathleen and Timothy Anderson
- Richard and Sharon Anderson
- Robert and Shirley Anderson
- Ellen Andrews
- Margaret and Thomas Andrews
- Paul Andrews and Nancy Humphry
- Pier Angeli and Babette Benken
- Dennis Appleyard
- Claudia Arce and Jonathan Rios-Doria
- Karen and Thomas Arcy
- Frank Ascione and Beverly Schmoll
- John and Judith Ashby
- Effie and John Asvestas
- William Atkins
- Catherine and Matthew Atwong
- Kendrick Aung
- Khin-Khin Aung
- David Aurelio
- Barrie and Margaret Austin
- Richard Babcock
- David Bachmann and Elizabeth Dunnett
- Charles and Lynda Bacon
- Gayle Bagley
- Prem and Shyam Bahadur
- Fredric Bailey and Rita Lafferty
- Harriet Bakalar and Edwin Tobes
- Esther and Roy Baldridge
- Donald and Rhonda Ballou
- Rajesh Bandekar
- Steven Bank and Lauren Talalay
- Michael and Rosa Baran
- Dr. Carol G. Barbour and Dr. Sid Gilman
- Shirley Barbula and Gerald Sharp
- Margaret and Robert Barlow
- Paula Barnes
- Roberta Barnes and Clark Chandler
- Tom Barnes
- Joan and Reuben Baron
- Phyllis Barrett
- Patchara Barrow and Ronald Randall
- Chris Barry
- Cheryl Bartholomew
- Elba Barzelatto and Mauricio Font
- David Batch
- Stuart Batterman and Gloria Mason
- M. and Thomas Battle
- Lillian Bauder
- Michael Bauer and Patricia Schroeder
- Elida Bautista
- Muriel and Thomas Beattie
- Paul Beatty and Lindsay Childress-Beatty
- Terri Beaty
- Frank and Gail Beaver
- Yehuda Bechar and Monica Vaisman
- Gordon Bechtel
- Leola Bedsole
- Cynthia Beekley
- Harvey Behner
- Jeannine Bell
- Jonathan Bell
- Lawrence Bell
- Francis Belloni and Maggie Ciarcia-Belloni
- George and Kathryn Belvitch
- Benjamin Ben-Baruch
- Carol and Leslie Benet
- Charles and Maria Benet
- John and Louise Bennett
- Matthias Bennett and Shi Bu
- R. James Bennett
- Diane and John Bercaw
- Roberta Berg and Stanford Roodman
- Carolyn Bergholz Schutte and Jon Schutte
- Jill Berglund
- Sandra Berhenke
- Audrey Berlinsky
- Jan Berris
- Scott Betts
- George and Katherine Betz
- Rui Bi and Xiao Zhang
- Cara Biddlecom and Todd Pugatch
- Henrietta Billings
- Richard Billington and Dorrit Billman
- Richard Bilsborrow and Helen Koo
- Arnold and Caroline Birenbaum
- Doris Birmingham
- Judith and Morton Birnbaum
- Jeremy Birnholtz
- Judith Bischoff
- Gail and Warren Bishop
- Donald Bittner
- Arthur Black
- Erwin Blackstone
- Denise and Nikolas Bletsos
- Kenneth and Marlene Block
- Lynn Bloom
- Martin Bloom
- Robert Blumenthal and Beth Dwoskin
- Andreea Boboc
- Christopher Bobrowski
- Alexander and Kimberley Boedy
- Daisie Boettner
- Donald Boettner and Richard Salisbury
- Katalin Bognar
- Barbara Bolden
- Gordon and Sandra Bonham
- B. Jeanne Bonner
- Henry and Norma Booke
- Doreen and Lashon Booker
- Martha Boron
- Priscilla Boroniec and Louis Cornelius
- Mark Boroush
- Marcia and Oded Borowski
- Margaret Boschetti
- Barry and Nancy Bosworth
- John and Mary Boudry
- David Boundy
- Pamela Bourgeois
- Phoebe Bowers
- Karolyn and R. Terry Bowyer
- Melba Boyd
- Daniel and Gloria Boylan
- Nicola Bradford and Mark McCandless
- Douglas Braidwood
- Barbara and David Braithwaite
- David Braker and Barbara Oshman
- Edith Brashares and Benjamin Simon
- Janet Braumuller
- Daniel and Marsha Braun
- Margaret and Ronald Brender
- Craig Brenner
- Ruth Ann Brevitz and Thomas Sarb
- Robert Brewster
- Richard Briggs
- Dana and Philip Brimmer
- Charles and Jacquelyn Brock
- Catherine Brockington
- Anthony and Mary Bronzo
- Mindy Brook
- Lester Brooks
- Ann Brown
- Astrid and James Brown
- Carol Brown
- Earl Brown and Bonnie Stefko-Brown
- K. Lee Brown
- Lisa Brown
- Margaret Carol Brown
- Mary Kathryn and Roger Brown
- James and Marguerite Bruce
- Felix Brueck and Ann Smith
- Rodney Bryant
- Gary Bryce
- Esther and Raymond Buch
- Barbara and Mark Buchanan
- Sally and Timothy Buck
- Elly Budiman-Mak
- Marylou and Thomas Bullen
- June Burchyett
- Elliott Burd
- Gail Burd
- Kathie and Malcolm Burdick
- Thomas Burean and Deborah Ettington
- Liza and Michael Burger
- George and Patricia Burgoyne
- David Burke and Victoria Burton Burke
- David Burns and Kiarri Kershaw
- Joseph and Patricia Burns
- Martha and Richard Burns
- Barbara Burroughs and Joel Goldberg
- George Burrows
- Eleanor Burton
- D. Anthony Butterfield
- Andre Butts
- Miatta Buxton
- Edith and William Byerly
- Sandra Cady Mulder and Ronald Mulder
- Helen Cafferty
- Mark and Marla Cahn
- Dawen Cai and Xianli Tang
- Bethany and David Caldwell
- Cleopatra Caldwell
- Emma Caldwell
- Thomas and Virginia Caldwell
- Margery Calhoun
- Martha Callaghan-Chaffee and R. Blake Chaffee
- Nuria Calvet
- Christopher Campbell
- Douglas Campbell
- Jennifer Campbell
- Ismael and Judith Cantu
- Nicholas Capul
- Robert and Susan Carling
- Norman Carlson
- Cristin Carpenter and Theodore Schuetz
- Cynthia Carpenter
- Sally Carr
- Mary Carroll and Floyd Coates
- Larry Carter
- Sylvia Carter and Lawrence Lippitt
- Frank Casale
- Gretchen Casper
- Matthew Castanier and Anne Marsan
- Conan Castle
- Forrest and Frances Caswell
- Lucy and Robert Caswell
- Kathleen Cavallaro
- Luis Celhay-Figaredo
- Letha Chadiha
- Rosa and T. Jaime Chahin
- Lisa Chan
- Subhachandra Chandra and Nandita Dukkipati
- Ronald Chaney and Julie Greenberg
- Chio-Lin and John Chang
- Je-Ming and Susan Chang
- Kevin Chang and Kwanwen Teng
- Jay and Lirong Chao
- Maureen and Scot Chapman
- Russell Chappell
- Maxine Chase Hickox and Charles Hickox
- Jennifer Chase
- Marilyn Chasteen
- Daniel and Deborah Chatel
- Whit Chatman and Beverly Howze
- Kathleen Check
- Yi Chen Lee and Lu Lee
- David Chen
- George Chen and Linda Chiang
- Jieming Chen and Xiangping Mai
- Xu Chen and Wei Wei
- Yongjia Chen
- Robert Chenault
- Yi-Hsiang Cheng and Shu-Hsien Wu
- Marc Chennault and Kimberly Cook-Chennault
- Alexander Chenvainu
- Ann and Jay Cherlow
- Cynthia Cheski
- Christine Child and Matthew Wikander
- Phyllis Childs
- William Childs
- Jane and Jin Chin
- Jennifer Chin and Michael Keinath
- Marshall Chin and Naoko Muramatsu
- Gary Chipman
- Joseph and Sue Chiu
- Shiu-Chu Chiu
- Claudia and Norman Chmielewski
- Jee-Weon and Su Bang Choe
- Eun and Yoon Choi
- Lorraine Chorkey
- Ellen and Min-chih Chou
- Sheila Chuang
- Ruenn-Ju Chung and Steve Kuan
- Joseph Cialdella
- Christine Cisneros
- Judith and Lawrence Clare
- Kathryn Clay and Daniel Reifsnyder
- Paul and Teresa Clayman
- Dennis and Joan Clifford
- Kenneth and Patricia Close
- Chun-Yen and Todd Cochrane
- David and Karen Coe
- Harriet and Kenneth Coeling
- Robert Cohen and Ruth Moscow-Cohen
- John Cole and Lucy Reuben
- Alberta Coleman
- Lorraine and Patrick Colestock
- Harry Comins
- Jeffrey and Margaret Comstock
- Mark Comstock
- George and Kristin Conant
- Susan Conat-Stencel and Robert Stencel
- Cassandra Constantino
- Harold and Mary Cook
- Carol and William Correia
- Anne Corrigan and Paul Roberge
- Jennifer and John Cortez
- Thomas Costaras
- Anita and John Cotton
- William Courtney
- Barbara and Paul Couture
- Cynthia and Kenneth Coviak
- John Cox
- Janet Crayne
- Nancy Creason
- Jay and Shelia Creswell
- John Crittenden
- Howard Cromwell
- Richard Crone
- Joanna Cronin
- Cynthia Cross
- John Cross
- Moyne Cubbage
- Bobby Cummings
- Cheryl Cunningham and William Mathewson
- Bonnie and Jay Curlin
- Bonnie Curlin
- Geraldine and Robert Custer
- John Czajka
- Kori and Martin Czasnojc
- Trayci Dahl
- Diane Dale and Jack Robertson
- Catherine Daligga
- James Dalton
- John and Judith Daniel
- Phyllis and Roy Daniel
- Stuart Daniel
- Charles Daniels
- Sean Darby
- Fazli Datoo
- Donna Davies and Dennis Jespersen
- Elaine and Erroll Davis
- George and Theresa Davis
- Hillary Davis and Harlan Kadish
- Hiram Davis
- James and Joanna Davis
- Michael Davis
- Ruth and Steven Dawson
- Susan de Garcia and Salvador Garcia
- Angelica De Jesus
- James and Penelope De Meules
- Andrew De Rocco
- Evelyn Dean-Nystrom and Donald Nystrom
- Virginia DeBenedictis
- Mary and Raymond Decker
- Gail and John DeHeus
- Gabriel DeMarco
- Caren Deming
- Allan Demorest
- Walter Dempsey
- David Denny
- Francisco and Karen Deogracias
- Beverly and John DeSanto
- Radha and Ravi Desarazu
- Albert and Nikki Descoteaux
- Raymond Detter
- Lynn DeTurk and Daniel Lipschutz
- Christopher and Genevieve DeVries
- Yuni Dewaraja and Yuji Fujii
- Dea DeWolff and Robert Kail
- Caroline and Michael DiBattista
- Virginia Dilkes
- David Diller
- Daoxia Ding
- Jo Ann and Richard Dionne
- Lisa Disch and Andreas Gailus
- David and Victoria Docauer
- Mary Jane and Ronald Dolan
- Leon Dolislager
- Jon and Sandra Dombrowski
- Cun-Jian Dong
- Brent Donovan
- Beverly and Jack Dostal
- Charles and Cynthia Dougherty
- Ismael Dovalina
- Judith and Richard Doyle
- Catherine Drennan
- Keith Dresser and Jessica Silbey
- Kristin Driscoll and Frederick Gaenslen
- Marilyn and Raymond Drnevich
- Brenda Drumm Kidd and Clyde Kidd
- Larry Duan and Li Liang
- Katharine Duderstadt and Nathan Schwadron
- Mark Duffy
- Gopal and Harriet Duleep
- Donald Dunbar and Sandra Sullivan
- Barbara and Craig Duncan
- James Dunn
- Eric Durant
- Carol Ann Dyer
- Jeffrey Dykstra
- Douglas and Mary Eamon
- Thomas Easthope
- Christopher Eckman and Rebekah Pite
- Sagrid Edman
- James Edmonds
- Phillip Edwards
- Charles and Debra Eggerding
- Rodney Eiger
- Julie and Michael Eisenbraun
- Gill and Sara Eisenstein
- Alan Eiser
- Wendy Elcesser
- Joan Elicker-Richards
- Cheryl and Glenn Elliott
- J. Alan Elliott
- David Ellison and Carolyn Olsen
- Susan Ellison
- Emma and William Elrod
- Mark Elrod and Judith Foulke
- Lalaine and Rodney Emerson
- Galen and Sydney Engel
- Janice and Philip Enns
- Arthur Ensroth and Barbara Waszczak
- Clara Erickson
- Erick Erickson and Bernadette Malinoski
- Sue Errington
- Lester Ettlinger and Michele Gilligan
- Karen Evans-Romaine
- Eugenia Evans
- John Evans
- Julie Evans
- Philip Everson and Andrea Stout
- Susan Ewing-Ramsay and Craig Ramsay
- Philip Fair
- Dolores and Stephen Fairbanks
- Ray and Teresa Faith
- Xiaoying Fan and Feng Gao
- Yaling Fan and Zhan Shi
- Barbara Farah
- Joseph Fargnoli
- Maribeth Farkas
- Brian Farrer and Jennifer Pickett
- Peter and Sally Farrow
- Karen Faulk and Felipe Gomez
- John and Margaret Faulkner
- Jean Federico
- Timothy Feeman
- Gretchen and Timothy Feemster
- Dorothyann Feldis and William Klykylo
- Harriet Feldlaufer and David Reuman
- Elliott Feldman
- Ilana Feldman
- Maria Felix-Neal and Charles Neal
- Anita Fellman
- Anne and Michael Fenerty
- Barbara and Rodrigo Ferrer
- Kayne Ferrier
- Lawrence and Leone Fetter
- Lisa Fetterman
- James and Vickie Feutz
- Jeffrey Field
- Patricia and Terrance Filter
- Arvel and Marian Fincher
- Robert Fine and Deborah Pierce
- Earl Finley
- Stephen Fisher
- Annemarie and Robert Fitzgerald
- Richard Flacks
- Kathleen and Rex Fleming
- Linda Flickinger
- J. Henrike Florusbosch and Catherine Sanok
- Richard Foley
- Gillian Foo
- Ethel Fopeano
- John Fopeano
- Nancy and William Forbis
- Donna Ford-Werntz
- John Forsyth
- James and Susan Forsythe
- Laurie Fortlage
- Donald Foster
- Madeline Fox
- Matthew Fox and Celeste Ng
- Dorothy and Thomas Fraker
- Paul Francuch
- Michael and Sharon Frandsen
- Patricia Frank
- Jean and Martin Frankel
- Mary Frecker
- Edmund and Patricia Frederick
- Maryann and William Frederick
- Roselyn Freedman-Baum
- Barbara and Richard Freeman
- Marshall Freeman
- Nancy Freeman
- Richard and Rosemary Freeman
- Steven and Sylvia Freije
- Jose and Patricia Freire
- Heinrich and Marie-Luise Friedemann
- Hallie and Stewart Friedman
- Joanna and Richard Friedman
- J. George and Maiga Friess
- Daniel and Katharine Frohardt-Lane
- Deborah and Edward Fry
- James and Rosemary Fry
- Jennifer Furst Hittinger and Jeffrey Hittinger
- Dolores Furtado
- Douglas Futuyma
- Kushan Gajjar and Shruti Parikh
- Ethan and Patricia Galloway
- Michele Gamburd
- Richard Gamer
- Raul Gamez
- Howard Gans
- Maureen and Thomas Gardner
- Peter Garlock
- Linda and Robert Garrett
- William Garth
- Mitzi Garvey
- Gary and Nancy Gasser
- John and Kemper Gay
- Elaine Gazda and James McIntosh
- Frederick and Nancy Gehlbach
- Emily Geisen
- Ina and John Germain
- Charles and Patricia Gerrish
- Renate Gerulaitis
- Mary and Thomas Gething
- Lowell Getz
- Kristine and Timothy Gezon
- Douglas and Susan Gibbons
- Beverly Gibbs
- Stephen Gibson and Lili Liu
- Anita and Roger Gilbertson
- Pamela Gillespie
- Clare Ginger
- Anne and Bruno Giordani
- Debra and Sanford Gips
- Arthur Glenberg
- Hilary Glenn-Ware and Kenneth Ware
- Kari Gluski and Peter Granda
- Jurgen Gobien
- Richard Goerke
- Miriam and Albert Golbert
- Karen and Lewis Gold
- David Goldblum
- Cynthia and Robert Goldstein
- Joseph and Suzanna Golmanavich
- Betty and Dan Golomb
- Charles Goodell
- Roberta and Stanley Goodnow
- Stanley Goodyear and Susan Perry
- Avi Gordon
- Franklin and Karen Gordon
- Benjamin Gorvine and Amanda Milner-Gorvine
- Subrata Goswami
- Stephen Gottron
- Alfred and Judith Gourdji
- Harold Graboske
- Sharon Grady and Michael Marks
- James Graf and Diane Souder
- Paul Graf
- Edward and Martha Graham
- Kingsley Graham
- Geraldine Grant and Edward Hansen
- Mark and Susan Graves
- Margaret Gray-Kurczynski
- George and Ruth Gray
- Caroline and Thomas Grayson
- Theresa Greaney and Gary Kikuchi
- Kelly Greeley-Michaud and steven michaud
- Daniel and Norma Green
- Roy and Theresa Green
- Ruth and Thomas Green
- Judith and William Greenberg
- Joel Greenhouse
- Christopher and Darlene Greenhut
- Jacquelyne Greenhut
- Jeremy Gregersen
- Patricia Griffin
- Douglas and Kisoon Griffith
- Bruce and Margaret Grim
- Jeff Grim
- Nancy Gripshover and Dennis Tafoya
- William Groening
- Donald Grover
- Peter Gryson and Evelyn MacKenzie-Gryson
- Sandra Gubin
- Marion Guck
- Frank and Linda Gudas
- Kathleen Guernsey
- Malachy Gunther and Joan Kripke
- Margaret and Shashikant Gupta
- Nina Gupta
- Erdogan and Marjorie Gurmen
- Ann Guthrie
- Alfredo and Luz Maria Gutierrez
- Lorraine Gutierrez and Robert Peyser
- David and Myra Gutin
- Barry and Ellen Haack
- James and Julie Habel
- Helen and Robert Haddad
- Nooshin Haghparast and Parviz Khalili
- Andrea Haidle
- Douglas Hakala
- Helen and Robert Hall
- Jay and Nancy Hall
- Theodore Hall
- Tamara Halle
- Sharon Halpern
- John and Linda Halsey
- Amelia and Robert Hammerle
- Joe and Nancy Hammond
- Tom Hampton
- Sang Han
- Sin Han
- Gwen Thayer Handelman
- Janice and Stephen Hanson
- John and Maxine Hardin
- Elizabeth Hardy and Richard Omlor
- John and Ruth Harkema
- Margo and Russell Harmsen
- Amy Harris and Malcolm Sickels
- Frederick and Joan Harris
- Jeffrey and Phyllis Harris
- Kimya and Michael Harris
- Benjamin and Doris Harrison
- Debra and Robert Hart
- Maryann and Ronald Hart
- Barbara Hartley
- Edward and Elke Hatch
- Paula and Will Hathaway
- Todd Hayataka
- Robert and Susan Heath
- Deborah and Lance Heilbrun
- Carolyn Heile
- Carol and Tycho Heimbach
- Joel Heinen
- Gary and Gayle Heinlein
- Alyce and Dennis Helfman
- Lois and Robert Heller
- Elaine and Mark Henry
- Pamela and Timothy Henry
- Thomas Henry and Michelle Lavelle-Henry
- Ruth Henson
- Kenneth Herlin
- Margaret and M. Robert Herrick
- Catherine Herrington and Michael Taft
- Greta and Howard Herskowitz
- Janice Hewitt
- Linda and Timothy Hickcox
- Deborah Higgins
- Judith and Malcolm Hindin
- Ann-Nora Hirami
- Pak-Ming Ho
- Erin Hoag and George Hoey
- Benjamin and Carole Hodes
- Kori and Randall Hodgson
- Peter Hoff
- Carol Holden and Randall Rivet
- James Holderness
- Emily and Paul Hollenberg
- Marlene and Walter Holloway
- Charles and Susan Holmes
- John and Sandra Holmes
- Marsha Holmes
- Raymond Holton
- Jane Hondelink
- K. Roger and Lois Hornbrook
- Nichele Hoskins
- Allen Hosler and Cheryl Smith-Hosler
- Cindee Howard
- Earl Howard
- Jacqueline Howlett and John Orr
- Carol Hryciw-Wing
- Chih-Mao Hsieh
- Albert and Rosemary Hsu
- Kuo-Hsiung Hsu
- Garrick Hu
- Xueying Hu
- Zeyuan Hu
- Angela and Ning Huang
- Matthew and Nancy Huchla
- Naomi Huddlestone
- Constance and Roy Hudson
- Jean Hudson
- Gary Huepenbecker
- Eric and Ingrid Humke
- Gail and Richard Humphreys
- Li-An Hung and Hsin-Yi Tang
- Wanda Hung and Christopher Vakili
- Ann Hungerman
- Diana and George Hunt
- Cheryl and Kevin Hurley
- Dennis and Marise Hussey
- Vincent Hutchings and Lucretia Ward
- Claire Hutchinson
- F. Grace Hutchinson and John Oldenburg
- Sunny Hyon
- Carol Iglauer
- Charles Inniss
- Keith Izawa
- Jane and William Jackson
- Patricia Jackson
- Ellen Jacobowitz
- Donna Jacobs
- John Jacobs
- Rhonda Jacobs
- Sarah Jacobson and Barry Wolf
- Dieter Jaeger
- Carolyn Jagacinski and Richard Schweickert
- Nirmal and Ute Jain
- Viney Jain
- Anna Jamison
- Mary and Robert Janicki
- Mary Jannausch and Eric Zemper
- Leona and Ronald Jantz
- Esther Jenkins
- Joan and Ronald Jennings
- Roger Jensen
- Frank and Judith Jesse
- Patricia and Peter Jessup
- Thomas Jewett
- Santhadevi and Vadivelu Jeyabalan
- Hong Ji and Jinhuang Wu
- John and Mitzi Jimison
- Elmer Johansen
- Kjell and Sandra Johansen
- Lauren Johns
- Dale Johnson
- Elizabeth and James Johnson
- Gloria and Willie Johnson
- Gregory Johnson
- Karen Johnson
- Kelly and Mark Johnson
- Rex Johnson
- Donald Johnston
- Jesse Johnston and Ricardo Punzalan
- Gregory and Susan Jonas
- Annie Lee Jones
- Eleta Jones and David Thompson
- Rose Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Tiffany Joseph
- Paul Julien
- Adam Jung
- Harold and Jean Kacanek
- Deborah Kahn-Spiliotopoulos and Sarantes Spiliotopoulos
- Beverly and Michael Kahn
- Lawrence and Patricia Kahn
- Margaret Kahn
- Puneet Kakar and Shefali Malhotra Kakar
- Ruth Kallio
- Elizabeth and Masoud Kamali
- Grace Kan and Alexander Pertsemlidis
- May and Timothy Kao
- Yu-Chun Kao and Yanni Liu
- Christina Karas
- Robert and Carolyn Karis
- Margaret Karns
- Caryl and David Kassoy
- Nabil Kattouah
- Bernadette Katzenstein
- Perry Katzenstein
- Ellen Katzer and Robert Scher
- Ifiyenia Kececioglu
- Katherine Kehoe
- Carla Keirns
- Edward and Esther Keller
- Susan Kelley
- Constance Kelly
- Jarod Kelly
- Marybeth and Sander Kelman
- Elyse Kemmerer
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- Rebecca Keogh
- Lisa Keramedjian Meer and Brian Meer
- Joan and Warren Kessler
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- Jean Marie King
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- Frances and John Kivel
- Patricia Klahr
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- Mary Klatt
- Diane Klein and M. Jeffrey Maisels
- Lauren and Stephen Klein
- Julie and Rolf Kleinau
- Susan Klinedinst and Bradford Smith
- Larry Klingler
- Daniel and Luci Klinkhamer
- David and Sharon Kluger
- Susan and T. Michael Knack
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- Karissa Knapp
- Edward and Ruth Knorring
- Brendan and Kathryn Kochunas
- Lakshmi and Satyanarayana Kodali
- Carol and Harold Kohn
- Carol Kohut
- Marinna and Jerry Kolaitis
- Elizabeth Koopman
- Diane and Kwaku Koram
- David and Nancy Korn
- Jeffrey Koshi
- Ann Koski
- James Kosloski
- Patricia Kosmerl
- David and Patricia Kostelancik
- David and Debra Kotzian
- Edward Kovac
- Irene Kovich
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- Cynthia and Gordon Krainen
- James and Miriam Kramer
- Nancy and Philip Kranz
- Robert Krasny
- James Kreh
- Donna and Russell Kreis
- John and Susan Krezoski
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- John and Mildred Krnacik
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- Bert and Geraldine Kruse
- John and Lynn Kuchenbrod
- Edward and Susan Kujawa
- Jessica and Robert Kull
- Ramya Kumar
- Kishan Kunduru and Sahiti Reddy Vedire
- Katharine and Thomas Kush
- Marie and Richard Kussman
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- Walter Kwik
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- Sue and Vincent Lai
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- Vincent Lalli and Margaret Li
- Shi-Fat Lam
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- John Lapp
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- Mary Jane Lee
- Miin-Nan Lee and Yi-Jiun Lin
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- Sandra Legan
- Diane Lehman Wilson and Dwight Wilson
- Robert Lempert and Nancy Perloff
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- Golda Anne and Robert Leonard
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- Jeanne Lewis
- Stephen Lewis
- Martha and Robert Leys
- Xiaohong Li and Timothy O'Toole
- Adria and Clayton Libolt
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- Agnes Li-Tsu and Shin-R Lin
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- Li Lu
- Khai-Quang Luc
- D.M. Lucente and Alan Rickfelber
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- Anthony and Judy Lutkus
- Carla and Gordon Lyon
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- Gani Manelli
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- Patricia March and Michael Mullett
- Frank and Kathryn Marchetti
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- Elizabeth Margosches and Don Melman
- Deborah Margules
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- Mary Marshall
- Donna Martin-Tap and Robert Tap
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- Safar Mashtizadeh
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- Margrethe May
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- Marjorie and Michael McCullough
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- Jill McDonough and Greg Merriman
- Gregory and Sarah McElrath
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- Patrick McGuire and Almut Mecke
- Elizabeth McKaig
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- Kathleen McKevitt and Donald Dickmann
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- John McManus and Laura Stuchinsky
- Lila McMechan
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- Marcia and Michael McNulty
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- Joyce Mehring
- Ellen and John Melle
- Lois and Max R. Mendelson
- Stella Marie Mendoza and Gary Stoner
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- William Metcalf and Jane Salinger
- Bonnie Metzger
- Helen and Roger Metzler
- Henry and Jewell Meyer
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- Susan Meyer
- Bernard Meyers
- H. Andrew Michener
- Thomas Middaugh
- Howard Mielke
- Marian and Richard Mieremet
- Charles Miller
- Charles Miller
- Jane Miller
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- Andy Mui
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- Michael Munson
- Jane Murphy-Schneeberger and Charles Schneeberger
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- Laurie Murphy
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- Susan Muscarella and Harry Parsonage
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- Ratna and Vaman Naik
- Shyama Nandakumar and Eric Young
- David Nash and Ruth Van Loon
- William Nash and Hesed Padilla-Nash
- Bonnie and Raja Nasr
- Muriel Nathan
- Celestina Ndukwe
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- Evelyn and Robert Nelson
- Gerald and Kathleen Nelson
- Richard Nendorf
- Ann and Joseph Newcomb
- Patricia White and James Nickel
- Charles and M. Cathleen Niederman
- Karen and Robert Niedzielski
- Jonathon Niemczak
- Hung Nien and Huiying Yan
- Barbara and Paul Niffenegger
- Eileen Nivera
- Judy Noble and Leonard Speregen
- Joanna and Thomas Nock
- Thomas Nolan and Cecelia Yoder
- Kenneth Norgan
- Martha and William Norris
- Victor Norton and Kathleen Tweney
- Ralph Nossal
- Richard Nowell
- Ann Nugent
- M. Charles Nugent
- Carol and Seamus O'Cleireacain
- Catharine O'Connell and Matthew Schultz
- Cullen O'Neill and Tamyra Rhodes-O'Neill
- Warren O'Neill
- Merilee Oakes Sperber and Zanwil Sperber
- Burks and Loretta Oakley
- Jon and Diana Konyha Oatley
- Ronald Oblander
- Angela Obringer
- Ronald Offley
- Juliette Okotie-Eboh
- Benedict and Joyce Okwumabua
- Joel and Katharine Olah
- Julie and Warren Olin-Ammentorp
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- John Olivero
- Deborah and Karl Ondersma
- Susan Opava
- Anne and Marc Orloff
- Warren Orloff
- Martha and William Orrick
- James Osweiler and Lynne Waskin
- Barbara Otto
- Carolyn and Gerald Ouderkirk
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- Marilyn Overmyer
- Robert Paine and Bonnie Pauly Paine
- David and Linda Palmer
- Patricia Palmer
- Philip Palmer
- Nitin Pangarkar
- Pangaja Paramsothy
- David and Ronnie Parker
- Ava and Zbigniew Pasek
- Joy and Stephen Pastucha
- Anil and Kumud Patel
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- Linda and Peter Patrick
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- Laura and Rex Patterson
- Catharine and Jeffrey Pearce
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- Linda Peckham
- Julia Pedigo
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- C. Raymond Perrault and Elizabeth Trueman
- Marvin Perry
- Patsy Perry
- Zollie Perry
- Carol and Rabindranath Persad
- Erich and Nancy Petersen
- Irene and Richard Peterson
- Kathleen Peterson and Walter Wegst
- Lara Peterson
- Linn and Sharon Peterson
- Roger Peterson
- Sandra Peterson
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- Christine Pickford
- Gail Pilgram and Michael Wilson
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- Joel Pitkin and Hye Suh
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- Michael Ploof
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- Carolyn and Richard Pope
- Kameshwari Pothukuchi and Richard Wallace
- Clark and Dorothy Potzmann
- Peter Poulos
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- Kathy and Paul Powell
- Robert and Linda Powers
- Rashmi Prakash and Sharath Ramamurthy
- Eric and JoAnn Preissner
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- Judith Preysnar
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- Jo Lynn Pulliam
- Bernard and Lisa Puroll
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- Scharlene Pynn
- Christopher Quarello
- Kathleen Quinn-Leering
- Anita and Monroe Rackow
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- R. Gary and Sharon Raham
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- Barbara Ramusack
- Mrinalini Rao and G. Ralph Strohl
- Jessica Raphael Ross and Phillip Ross
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- James Reece
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- Deborah Reinisch
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- Hector Reyes
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- Charline Rice
- Elizabeth and Frank Richardson
- Ellice and James Richardson
- John Richardson and Andrew Spurlock
- Karen Riedel
- James Rieger
- Stephanie Riegle
- Jacquelin and Robert Riley
- Dawn and Mark Ringes
- Joshua and Sarah Rintamaki
- Mary Alice and Robert Rippe
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- Buckley Robbins
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- William Robinson
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- Alec and Mary Rodney
- Ernesto Rodriguez
- Patricia Roe-Kaplan
- Richard Rogers
- Thomas Rohrer
- Martha Rolingson
- Martin Ronan
- Donna Lee and William Ronsaville
- Susan Roosenraad
- Stephen Root
- Cheryl and Grady Rorie
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- Marcia Roseman
- Enid and Stanley Rosenblatt
- Alta and Arnold Rosenzweig
- Courtney and Scott Rosevear
- Barry Ross
- Claudia and Lester Ross
- Peter Ross
- Brad and Therese Roth
- Liz Rothberg-Smith and Ron Smith
- Janet Roys
- Jacqueline Royster
- George Rudawski
- Karen and William Rude
- Erik Ruehr
- Cheryl and Rimantas Rukstele
- Caroline and James Russel
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- Dean and Joan Rutila
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- Ann Sakai and Stephen Weller
- Stanley Sakai
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- Esther and Stephen Sales
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- Ehsan and Maija Samei
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- Harriet and Max Sandmeier
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- Debra Sarvela
- Malinee and Sithiporn Sastrasinh
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- Barbara Sayer Alker
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- Milton Schaefer
- Nathaniel Schaefle
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- Betty Schelske
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- Dennis Schneider
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- Maria Schonbek
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- Donald Schuette
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- John Scott
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- Ilene and Robert Seltzer
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- Raffie Shahrigian
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- Lingxiong Shao
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- Yue Shen
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- Robert and Virginia Shiller
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- Arthur and Michele Siegal
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- Sonya Smith
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- Joan Stepsis
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- Karen Thomas
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- Komgrit Treetipbut
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- Lai Yu Leo Tse
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- Wanli Wu
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