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Research Team

The Rackham Institutional Research office proposes and conducts studies that will enable the development of evidence-based policies and practices that enhance graduate education at the University of Michigan. Members of the MDES research team have expertise in survey design and administration, instructional design and development theory, causal inference, applied evaluation, and data visualization.

Our Team

John Gonzalez

John Gonzalez

Carrie Brezine

Carrie Brezine

Merle Feldbaum

Merle Feldbaum

Heeyun Kim

Heeyun Kim

Current and Past Collaborators

Maia Bergman

Maia Bergman

Allyson Flaster

Allyson Flaster

  • Assistant Research Scientist, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
  • Email:

Research Assistants

Research Advisory Committee

The Michigan Doctoral Experience Study is one of several initiatives that Rackham is undertaking to improve understanding of the graduate-education enterprise. The following scholars and practitioners are esteemed experts in graduate teaching, learning, research, and disciplinary practices who are advising Rackham on this ambitious project.

Stephen L. DesJardins

Marvin W. Peterson Collegiate Professor of Education
Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Evaluation Faculty Lead; Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research (CEDER)

Daniel Eisenberg

J. Axelrod Collegiate Professor of Health Management and Policy
Research Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Director, Healthy Minds Network

Cindy J. Finelli

Associate Professor of Education
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Director, Engineering Education Research

Lisa R. Lattuca

Professor, Higher Education, School of Education
Professor, Integrative Systems and Design, College of Engineering
Director, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE)

Deborah S. Meizlish

Managing Director for Educational Development and Assessment Services
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

Jason Owen-Smith

Barger Leadership Institute Professor of Sociology and Organizational Studies
Research Professor, Survey Research Center
Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy
Executive Director, Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS)
Director, Barger Leadership Institute