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Change It Up!©: Bystander Intervention


Change It Up!© brings bystander intervention skills to students for the purpose of building supportive and respectful communities. Change It Up!© is based on a nationally recognized five-step bystander intervention model that develops students’ skills and confidence when intervening in situations that negatively impact campus climate. This workshop explores how students’ identities and experiences impact […]

Building and Leveraging Your Network


Building a network and connecting with others is critical to your professional development in graduate school and job/internship searches. Join this discussion to learn strategies for building your network (including tips on using LinkedIn and the University Career Alumni Network) and how to leverage this network for career exploration and job/internship searching. There will be […]

Communicating Your DEI Commitment to Employers


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) aptitude is now highly valued by many employers, both within and beyond academe. This interactive workshop will show how employers are evaluating DEI in job interviews, provide opportunities for reflection on how you demonstrate your commitment to DEI, and provide time for students to practice answering common interview questions related […]

Pitch Perfect: How to Effectively Network and Build a Strong Pitch


Are you interested in learning how to effectively connect with colleagues and prospective employers? If so, this integrative workshop will help you to develop a strong pitch that can be used in networking opportunities. Come and learn about the process of networking, develop and practice your pitch, and understand University Career Center networking and career […]

Bouchet Honor Society: So You Wanna Be a CDO…Career Pathways to Executive Leadership in DEI

Assembly Hall, 4th Floor, Rackham Building 915 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

The University of Michigan chapter of the Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society, in partnership with the national Bouchet leadership at Yale University, is hosting an in-person panel discussion that will also be livestreamed for the entire Bouchet Graduate Honor Society community nationwide. Gain insights on the skills and experience you need to build a strong foundation […]

Cover Letters and Resumes for Internships and Positions Beyond the Tenure Track


This workshop is open to all graduate students seeking guidance on cover letters and resumes for positions beyond tenure track roles. It also meets the needs of those applying for internships, including to the Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program. The process of synthesizing your academic experiences into strong application materials for jobs and internships beyond […]

Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program Info Session


Bring your questions about internships! During this informal, conversational session, University Career Center and Rackham staff will answer your questions about doing an internship as a doctoral student. Topics we will cover include: How to talk to your advisor about making an internship a part of your graduate training Answering questions about Rackham’s Doctoral Intern […]

Eighth Annual Rackham King Talks

Auditorium, 1st Floor, Rackham Building 915 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Rackham Graduate students will communicate the relevance of their work to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy in a TED-talk style. The 2025 MLK Symposium theme is “Restless Dissatisfaction: An Urgent Call for the Pursuit of Justice and Equality.” This theme is inspired by Dr. King’s concept of “divine discontent,” as expressed in his 1964 Nobel Peace […]

Recognizing Racism in Everyday Life


During this workshop participants will have the opportunity to learn terms associated with racism/anti-racism as well as power and oppression and their impact in the global and U.S. context. Additionally, participants will be able to recognize microaggressions and stereotyping that we see portrayed in media and then be able to practice responding to real-life incidents […]

GradWell Podcast Launch Party


Join us at the virtual launch party of GradWell, a podcast on well-being for graduate students at the University of Michigan! We’ll be featuring a panel where representatives from the Well-Being Collective will break down the eight different dimensions of well-being for us so that we can fully understand all the ways our well-being is affected as […]