Engendering Respectful Communities
Engendering Respectful Communities (ERC): Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment for Graduate Students is a program created and facilitated by U-M’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC), in partnership with Rackham Graduate School and the U-M Educational Theatre Company (ETC).
About the Workshop
The ERC workshop is specifically designed for graduate students across our campus and engages in a graduate student peer-to-peer led model. These workshops are currently offered virtually, and cover U-M’s community expectations and practices, as well as opportunities to develop and practice skills for addressing harmful behavior, specifically related to sexual misconduct. Participants will receive information specifically relevant to graduate student communities on our campus, and have the opportunity to engage in circle conversations to explore how they are able to be a part of creating respectful communities within their own departments. ERC sessions are only available for enrolled University of Michigan graduate students.
Request a Workshop
If your graduate program is interested in participating in an ERC workshop, please request a workshop on the SAPAC website or email [email protected]. ERC workshops are offered during the fall and winter semesters.
“I liked the monologues. You were able to hear from different experiences and get a better sense of what all the content previously introduced could look like in action.”
“I enjoyed the opportunities for discussion and felt able to share my opinions in a respectful space.”
Workshop Sponsors