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Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship

Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowships are intended to speed the process of completing the dissertation. Except in unusual cases, they should be awarded to students who are at the writing stage of the dissertation. This will permit candidates to work full-time on the final stages of their dissertations.


A student must have achieved candidacy prior to the beginning of the term in which they receive a Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship. The student must have established a dissertation committee and submitted the Nomination of Dissertation Committee Form to the Rackham Academic Records and Dissertation Office prior to the beginning of the term in which they receive this fellowship. Recipients of this award may not be employed more than ten hours a week during the tenure of the fellowship. Recipients may not hold this award in conjunction with another award.

Selection Criteria

Students are selected by their program for this award and may ask the graduate program coordinator if the program has an allocation of these awards. Allocations may not be deferred outside of current academic year.


May 1, 2025

Award Description

A Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship consists of candidacy tuition and registration fee plus a stipend of $13,770 (currently) for one term. Recipients will be eligible for GradCare health and dental insurance coverage provided by the graduate school during the term of their award. A student may receive only one Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship. The fellowship may not be divided into smaller awards.

Nomination Process

Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowships are distributed to graduate programs as part of the annual Block Grant Process. Recipients are selected by the graduate programs who inform the Rackham Finance and Fellowships by completing the nomination form. The Rackham Finance and Fellowships acknowledges the appointment in writing to the student with a copy to the program. Rackham Finance and Fellowships will process the award payment.