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Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Racial Microaggressions


Racial microaggressions can be uniquely harmful to their targets, and yet we often find ourselves skirting around this subset of microaggressions due to discomfort in openly discussing race, racism, and white supremacy. In this workshop we hope to foster an intellectually humble environment within which we can unpack racial microaggressions, address common barriers to intervening […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Research-Based Strategies for Managing Impostor Phenomenon


Have you ever succeeded at an academic task even though you were convinced that you wouldn't do well? Do you dread others evaluating your work or avoid opportunities for critical feedback? Do you have trouble accepting praise or acknowledging your accomplishments? Do you worry about being exposed as an academic fraud? Have you ever questioned […]

Anti-Racism in the Abroad Context


Structural racism in the United States is the normalization and legitimization of an array of dynamics—historical, cultural, institutional, and interpersonal—that routinely advantages white people while producing cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color. It is a system of hierarchy and inequity primarily characterized by white supremacy—the preferential treatment, privilege, and power for white […]

Career Exploration: Strategies and Resources


This workshop will focus on resources you can leverage to explore career options, as well as strategies to best position yourself for a variety of career trajectories. We will cover approaches to networking, transferable skills, and key resources designed to support your exploration. This workshop is open to students at all points in their graduate […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Talking Outside Your Field: Explaining Your Research During Your Industry Job Search


Are you a graduate student intending to apply for industry jobs? While talking to potential employers, you’ll find yourself trying to describe your research to non-experts, struggling to avoid jargon, and feeling like your description is vague or unclear. In this University Career Center workshop, we’ll address this problem, develop specific strategies to describe your […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]