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Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Change It Up! © Anti-Black Racism


Change It Up! © Anti-Black Racism is an interactive session where participants will learn about ways their identities can influence how they interact with others, as well as strategies they can start using immediately to navigate some of these interactions when harm is involved. This 90 minute workshop is focused on bystander intervention in response […]

Minaadendamowin: Respect, Acknowledgement, Visibility, and Supporting Native American College Students


This workshop will share the outcomes of the 2018 U-M Native American Student Task Committee (NASTC) report as a point of departure to discuss evidence-based practices for supporting Native American students in higher education. Because the first recommendation is to institutionalize the decolonizing practice of territorial acknowledgment, this workshop will examine the practice as well […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Pronouns 101


A two-hour workshop on the basics of pronouns, their usage, and the connection between pronouns and transgender communities. Participants will have the chance to practice using different sets of pronouns and work on bystander intervention skills. Through this workshop, participants will: Learn what pronouns are and be able to share why they are important in […]

Pronouns 101


A two-hour workshop on the basics of pronouns, their usage, and the connection between pronouns and transgender communities. Participants will have the chance to practice using different sets of pronouns and work on bystander intervention skills. Through this workshop, participants will: Learn what pronouns are and be able to share why they are important in […]

Postdoctoral Orientation


Each month, an orientation session is offered for all new postdoctoral research fellows, and those with a new postdoctoral research fellow appointment in the U-M HR system within the past two months at the University of Michigan. The orientation session includes information about the role of postdocs, working with your P.I./supervisor, campus resources, benefits and […]

Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours


If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. In the interest of providing students as much privacy as possible, you may spend a brief time in a waiting room if the resolution officer […]

Graduate Student Parents’ Rights Under Title IX and the GEO Contract


Please join us for Graduate Student Parents’ Rights Under Title IX and the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) contract. In this virtual Session, we will hear from  representatives from the U-M Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office and the Parents’ Working Group in GEO. In the first part of the session, we will hear from these representatives […]