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Faculty Recognition Awards

These awards are for mid-career faculty who have demonstrated remarkable contributions to the University through outstanding achievements in scholarly research and/or creative endeavors; excellence as a teacher, advisor and mentor; and distinguished participation in the service activities of the university and elsewhere.

General Information


Tenured associate professors, or full professors with no more than four years in rank, may be nominated for these awards. Nominations of outstanding women, minorities and members of other groups historically underrepresented in their disciplines are encouraged.

Selection Criteria

The Faculty Recognition Awards are for mid-career faculty who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in scholarly research and/or creative endeavors; excellence as a teacher, advisor and mentor; and distinguished participation as a conscientious and engaged citizen of their department, school/college, the University, and elsewhere.

Number of Awards

Five awards in the amount of $2,000.

Source of Nominations

Nominations may be submitted by deans, directors, department/program heads, promotion or award committees, or individual faculty members.

Selection Process

A committee of senior faculty from different disciplines and academic units reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Provost, who makes the final selection. Awards are publicly announced early in the fall term and formally presented at a ceremony.


The nomination deadline is Monday, February 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., EST.

For more information contact:

Honors and Awards
Telephone: (734) 615-0255
Email: [email protected]

Guidelines for Preparing Nominations

As described below, a nomination dossier must include a cover sheet with contact information, a nominating letter, and curriculum vitae. Incomplete nomination dossiers cannot be reviewed. The Graduate School will add to each nomination dossier a dissertation committee service report and the Registrar’s Teaching Evaluation “Instructor Report” that tabulates quantitative data only.

The online nomination dossier may be set up by a U-M faculty or staff member. Others may be given login access to the site as needed. The nomination system may be accessed as often as needed in order to complete the nomination dossier. All materials must be uploaded in Adobe PDF format.

Cover Sheet

Complete the online cover sheet with all information requested for both the nominee and the nominator—not the administrator who may have initiated the dossier.

Nominating Letter

As committee members represent a range of disciplines and may not be familiar with the nominee’s field, describe the nominee’s contributions in a way that conveys their significance to those not acquainted with the field. Given the number of highly accomplished mid-career faculty, the letter should explain the particular distinction that makes the nominee exceptionally qualified for this honor. The letter may incorporate quotations from former and current students, peers and faculty that describe the significance of the nominee’s scholarly and research achievements, teaching and mentoring excellence, service contributions and other impact measures outside the classroom.

The letter may be no longer than 2,000 words. A new letter may be submitted for re-nominations or an addendum may be submitted to update the dossier.

Letters should cover the areas below; those that do not will disadvantage the nominee:

  • A concise description of the nominee’s major research, scholarly and/or creative endeavors and accomplishments, including an explanation of the overall significance of the work and evidence for its impact on the nominee’s field or discipline
  • Evidence of the nominee’s professional achievements and reputation, particularly through recognition by her or his peers, and an explanation of the significance of major external awards
  • An evaluation of the nominee’s contributions, ability, and influence as member of the teaching faculty which might include, for instance, contributions to the design of new degrees, programs or curriculum; the quality and impact of the nominee’s teaching and courses; and awards recognizing accomplishments as an teacher
  • As appropriate to the field and career stage, evidence of the nominee’s involvement as a successful advisor and mentor to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and/or junior colleagues, including placement information of graduate students for whom the nominee was the primary advisor
  • Evidence that shows the nominee’s impact outside the classroom in significant service or professional contributions, including formal or informal administrative roles in the University or in the discipline or profession, service on editorial boards and in other professional organizations and societies, or outstanding service to communities and institutions beyond the University

Curriculum Vitae

Provide the nominee’s current c.v.

Recipients of Faculty Recognition Awards

Distinguished Service Awards for Instructors, Assistant Professors and Junior Associate Professors were presented beginning in 1959. In 1978 the name was changed to Faculty Recognition Awards.


  • Robert D. Gregg, Robotics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering
  • Erin Ann Cech, Sociology and Mechanical Engineering
  • Kelley Kidwell, Biostatistics
  • Jason Randolph Young, History
  • David Wentzloff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


  • Julie Biteen, Chemistry
  • Ashley Gearhardt, Psychology
  • Linda Goodrich, Dance
  • Timothy James, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Carolyn Kuranz, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science


  • Amy Chavasse, Dance
  • Hui Deng, Physics
  • Xianzhe Jia, Climate and Space Sciences & Engineering
  • Kerri Pratt, Chemistry
  • Stephen Smith, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


  • Jacinta Beehner, Psychology
  • Aida Levy-Hussen, English Language and Literature
  • Michael McKee, Family Medicine
  • Shobita Parthasarathy, Public Policy
  • Westley Weimer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


  • Andries Coetzee, Linguistics
  • Justin Kasper, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
  • Emmanuelle Marquis, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Qiaozhu Mei, Information
  • Melanie Yergeau, English Language and Literature


  • Mark Cohen, Surgery and Pharmacology
  • Ethan Kross, Psychology
  • Yeidy Rivero, Film, Television, and Media and American Culture
  • Betsey Stevenson, Public Policy and Economics
  • Dimitrios Zekkos, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth and Environmental Sciences


  • Omolola Eniola-Adefeso, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Macromolecular Science and Engineering
  • Mary E. Gallagher, Political Science, Chinese Studies
  • Anthony Grbic, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Stuart Kirsch, Anthropology
  • H. Luke Shaefer, Social Work, Public Policy


  • Bogdan Epureanu, Mechanical Engineering
  • Margherita Fontana, Dentistry
  • Anita Gonzalez, Theatre and Drama
  • Jennifer Ogilvie, Physics, Biophysics
  • Stephanie Preston, Psychology


  • Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Sociology, Organizational Studies, Women’s Studies
  • Lilia Cortina, Psychology and Women’s Studies
  • Michael Flynn, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Anne McNeil, Chemistry, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
  • Yukiko Yamashita, Life Sciences, Cell and Developmental Biology


  • Marlyse Baptista, Linguistics
  • Jason Flinn, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Bhramar Mukherjee, Biostatistics
  • Jeremy Semrau, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Haoxing Xu, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology


  • Valeria Bertacco, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Charles Garrett, Musicology
  • Jon Miller, Astronomy
  • Melanie Sanford, Chemistry
  • Patricia Wittkopp, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


  • Anna Grzymala-Busse, Political Science
  • Dragomir Radev, Information, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Linguistics
  • Dennis Sylvester, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Angela Violi, Mechanical Engineering
  • Nils Walter, Chemistry


  • Pamela Brandwein, Political Science
  • Stephen DesJardins, Higher and Postsecondary Education
  • Wei Lu, Mechanical Engineering
  • Jeffrey Martens, Pharmacology
  • Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Biophysics and Chemistry


  • Brian Jacob, Public Policy, Education, Economics
  • Ursula Jakob, Molecular and Cellular Developmental Biology, Biological Chemistry
  • Mahta Moghaddam, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Mark Newman, Physics
  • Johanna Prins, English Language and Literature, Comparative Literature


  • Gregg Crane, English Language and Literature
  • Gary Huffnagle, Microbiology and Immunology
  • Jerome Lynch, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Ivette Perfecto, Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Albert Shih, Mechanical Engineering


  • Anne Curzan, English Language and Literature
  • Lori Isom, Pharmacology
  • Webb Keane, Anthropology
  • Peter van Keken, Geological Sciences
  • Thomas Zurbuchen, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science, Aerospace Engineering


  • Theodore Goodson, Chemistry
  • Marios Papaefthymiou, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Michael Solomon, Chemical Engineering
  • Nancy Songer, Education
  • Anna Stefanopoulou, Mechanical Engineering


  • Jeffrey Fessler, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Sharon Glotzer, Chemical Engineering
  • Scott Page, Political Science and Economics
  • Michele Swanson, Microbiology and Immunology
  • Brenda Volling, Psychology


  • Peter Davies, English Language and Literature
  • Sheriff El-Tawil, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Vincent Hutchings, Political Science
  • Peggy McCracken, French and Women’s Studies
  • Christopher Monroe, Physics


  • Stephen Maren, Psychology
  • Kamal Sarabandiv, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Ann Marie Sastry, Mechanical Engineering
  • George Steinmetz, Sociology
  • Joel Swanson, Microbiology and Immunology


  • Kun-Liang Guan, Biological Chemistry and Medical School
  • Theodore B. Norris, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Mercedes Pascual, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Theresa Tinkle, English Language and Literature


  • David J. Mooney, Dentistry
  • Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, Psychology
  • Michael Schoenfeldt, English Language and Literature
  • Karen E. Smith, Mathematics
  • Michael Wellman, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


  • Julia Adams, Sociology
  • Fred Adams, Physics
  • Photios Ioannou, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Joseph Metzger, Physiology
  • Ronald Woodard, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacy


  • Carol Fierke, Chemistry
  • Sandra Gunning, American Culture
  • Benjamin Margolis, Biological Chemistry
  • Khalil Najafi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Patricia Yaeger, English Language and Literature


  • Frieda Ekotto, Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Robert Fuller, Biological Chemistry
  • Michael Imperiale, Microbiology and Immunology
  • Jennifer Robertson, Anthropology
  • Valerie Traub, English Language and Literature


  • David Burke, Human Genetics
  • Kathleen Canning, History
  • Charles Doering, Mathematics
  • George Kling, Biology
  • William Pearson, Chemistry


  • Philip Andrews, Biological Chemistry
  • Jill Becker, Psychology
  • Nancy Burns, Political Science
  • Stephen Sumida, English Language and Literature


  • Mary L. Brake, Nuclear Engineering
  • Simon Gikandi, English Language and Literature
  • Colleen Seifert, Psychology
  • Dennis Thiele, Biological Chemistry
  • David R. Williams, Sociology


  • Sally A. Camper, Human Genetics
  • Timothy E. Chupp, Physics
  • Glenn W. DeYoung, Jr., Dance (Music)
  • Linda Gregerson, English Language and Literature
  • Jennifer Linderman, Chemical Engineering


  • Christin Carter-Su, Physiology
  • Jeffrey Chamberlain, Human Genetics
  • Santiago Colas, Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Lincoln Faller, English Language and Literature
  • James Penner-Hahn, Chemistry


  • Nicholas B. Dirks, History
  • David R. Engelke, Biological Chemistry
  • June Howard, English Lanuage and Literature and American Culture
  • Linda P. B. Katehi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Kathryn Tosney, Biology


  • Anita Norich, English Language and Literature
  • Vincent L. Pecoraro, Chemistry
  • Noel Perkins, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
  • Michael D. Uhler, Biological Chemistry


  • Richard Campbell, Communication
  • Anne Herrmann, English Language and Literature
  • Earl Lewis, History
  • David M. Lubman, Chemistry
  • Michael Marletta, Medicinal Chemistry
  • Marilynn M. Rosenthal, Sociology (Dearborn)


  • Jane Burbank, History
  • Julie Ellison, English Language and Literature
  • Robert Krasny, Mathematics
  • David S. Potter, Classical Studies
  • Peter Sparling, Dance (Music)


  • Enoch Brater, English Language and Literature
  • Carol F. Karlsen, History
  • Marion Tuttle Marzolf, Communication
  • Mark E. Meyerhoff, Chemistry
  • Kim Scheppele, Political Science


  • David P. Ballou, Biological Chemistry
  • Mary Corcoran, Political Science
  • Nicholas Delbanco, English Language and Literature
  • Victor Lieberman, History
  • Rebecca J. Scott, History


  • Walter Allen, Sociology
  • Terrence McDonald, History
  • Margaret Root, History of Art
  • James Winn, English Language and Literature
  • Richard Wrangham, Anthropology


  • Kate F. Barald, Anatomy and Cell Biology
  • Nancy E. Cantor, Psychology
  • Geoffrey H. Eley, History
  • John L. Harer, Mathematics
  • Donald Herzog, Political Science


  • Erdogan Gulari, Chemical Engineering
  • Thomas C. Holt, History
  • Stuart Y. McDougal, English Language and Literature
  • Beth G. Reed, Social Work
  • Arlene Saxonhouse, Political Science


  • Edie Goldenberg, Political Science
  • Michael W. Udow, Music
  • Robert A. Bender, Biological Sciences
  • Margot Norris, English Language and Literature


  • Michael E. Geyer, History
  • Lemuel A. Johnson, English Language and Literature
  • Rowena G. Matthews, Biological Chemistry and Biophysics
  • Peter McDonough, Political Science
  • Carl P. Simon, Mathematics


  • Andreas R. Blass, Mathematics
  • Mitchell J. Rycus, Urban Planning
  • Carl St. Clair, Music
  • J. Mills Thorntonv, III, History
  • Thelma Wells, Nursing


  • James Dapogny, Music
  • Carol Ann Kauffman, Internal Medicine
  • Deborah Rabinowitz, Biological Sciences
  • Lee H. Somers, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
  • Alan Wald, English Language and Literature


  • Howard V. Brabson, Social Work
  • Maria A. Comninou, Mechanical Engineering
  • Miroslav Nincic, Political Science
  • George J. Siedel, III, Business Law
  • Bernard Van’t Hul, English Language and Literature


  • Donald Deskins, Geography
  • Barbara L. Forisha, Psychology (Dearborn)
  • Steven D. Lavine, English Language and Literature
  • Peter E. Smouse, Human Genetics
  • Rudolf P. Thun, Physics


  • William R. Anderson, Biological Sciences
  • John R. Pringle, Biological Sciences
  • Bruce H. Wilkinson, Geological Sciences
  • Charles R. Eisendrath, Journalism
  • William R. Folk, Biological Chemistry


  • Kent Hubbell, Architecture
  • Robin M. Jacoby, History
  • John Jonides, Psychology
  • John E. Niederhuber, Surgery
  • Joel Samoff, Political Science
  • Kensall D. Wise, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • J. Frank Yates, Physiology


  • James H. Hand, Chemical Engineering
  • Gwendolyn S. Cruzat, Library Science
  • Lawrence A. Goldstein, English Language and Literature
  • Glenn M. Knudsvig, Classical Studies
  • Otelio S. Randall, Internal Medicine
  • James E. Crowfoot, Natural Resources


  • William R. Alexander, English Language and Literature
  • Daniel E. Atkins, III, Computer Engineering
  • Milton Heumann, Political Science
  • James S. Jackson, Psychology
  • James C. Stanley, Surgery


  • Hubert I. Cohen, Humanities
  • Peter Ferran, Residential College
  • Dana B. Main, Psychology
  • Jeffrey B. Rauch, Mathematics
  • Sara S. Winans, Anatomy


  • Margaret A. Lourie, English Language and Literature
  • James A. McNamara, Jr., Anatomy
  • David R. Mouw, Physiology
  • Robert G. Pachella, Psychology
  • David A. Songtegards, Applied Mechanics
  • Ralph Williams, English Language and Literature


  • William Albright, Music
  • H. Douglas Brown, Linguistics
  • Harry A. Douthit, Botany
  • Alan R. Price, Biological Chemistry
  • Edward Rothman, Statistics
  • Marilyn Young, History


  • Mcihael W. Berns, Zoology
  • M. David Curtis, Chemistry
  • Gary W. Fowler, Natural Resources
  • Karl R. Herwig, Medicine
  • Harold C. Livesay, History
  • James Allen Vann, History


  • David L. Chambers, Law
  • H. Scott Fogler, Chemical Engineering
  • Richard I. Ford, Anthropology
  • Lewis J. Kleinsmith, Zoology
  • Thomas A. Preston, Internal Medicine
  • J. B. Ritchie, Industrial Relations


  • John A. Bailey, Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
  • Walter H. Clark, English Language and Literature
  • James E. Dew, Far Eastern Languages and Literatures
  • Ronald G. Hiss, Internal Medicine
  • Peter J. Lynch, Dermatology
  • N. Harris McClamroch, Aerospace Engineering


  • David L. Angus, Education
  • Dale E. Briggs, Chemical Engineering
  • Max A. Heirich, Sociology
  • Bert G. Hornback, English Language and Literature
  • Kenneth A. Luther, Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
  • William G. Rosenberg, History


  • Brice Carnahan, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
  • C. William Colburn, Speech (Education)
  • Reed L. Detar, Physiology
  • Charles G. Morris, Psychology
  • Donald J. Munro, Philosophy
  • Aram A. Yengoyan, Anthropology


  • Burton V. Barnes, Forestry (Natural Resources)
  • John M. Carpenter, Nuclear Engineering
  • Raphael S. Ezekiel, Psychology
  • James A. Greene, Jr., Internal Medicine
  • Jens C. Zorn, Physics


  • Robert Kyes, Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Leon H. Mayhew, Sociology
  • Frances W. Weber, Romance Languages and Literatures
  • Daniel J. Weintraub, Psychology
  • James T. White, Law
  • James Wilkes, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering


  • Billy Eugene Frye, Zoology
  • Martin Daniel Gehner, Architecture
  • Paul William Gikas, Pathology
  • Robert Henry Kadlec, Fluids Engineering
  • Stephen Kaplan, Psychology
  • Leo Francis McNamara, English Language and Literature


  • Caesar Robert Blake, English Language and Literature
  • L.A. Peter Gosling, Geography
  • Paul Adrian Rondell, Physiology
  • Martin Sichel, Aerospace Engineering
  • Norman Carl Thomas, Political Science
  • Ross Johnston Wilhelm, Business Economics


  • Wallace Taft Berry, Music
  • William James Fry, Surgery
  • Harlan Lawson Lane, Psychology
  • Richard Christian Wilson, Industrial Engineering


  • Carl Cohen, Philosophy (Dearborn)
  • Clarence James Lafler, Pathology
  • Louis Lawrence Orlin, Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
  • John Patrick White, Political Science


  • John R. G. Gosling, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Armand John Guarino, Biochemistry
  • William C. Kelly, Geological Sciences
  • John Mersereau, Jr., Slavic Languages and Literatures


  • Sheridan Warner Baker, Jr., English Language and Literature
  • Allen Bruce Clarke, Mathematics
  • John Arnold Flower, Music
  • Lawrence Basil Slobodkin, Zoology