Workshop Contacts
Rackham offers Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop (RIW) grants to sponsor an ongoing program of interdisciplinary workshops, which is overseen by Associate Dean Catherine Sanok. This program has two goals. First, it is designed to encourage interdisciplinary research by supporting workshops for graduate students, faculty, postdocs, and staff who share intellectual interests but do not necessarily have an easily available forum in common because they have different academic affiliations. Second, RIWs are designed to advance graduate student research by providing opportunities for them to develop and present research in an interdisciplinary forum.
Graduate students interested in forming such groups may apply for grant funding to support workshop activities and to compensate coordinators. A maximum grant award of $5,000 may be requested if the application is submitted by August 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (EDT) for the upcoming academic year. Workshops will receive grant funds at the end of the year after successful submission and approval of the year-end report. Funding is for one year only, but continuing workshops may apply for renewal. Funding not used by the end of the academic year cannot roll over to the next academic year. Please note: The RIW program no longer has a second application cycle for winter semester workshops. Groups, however, may still apply for grant funding for one semester only and must submit applications by the August 1 deadline.