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Respond to the Offer

If the graduate program recommends you for admission, Rackham will review your application to ensure Rackham’s minimum requirements are met. You will be notified by Rackham after admission has been finalized.

Accept or Decline the Offer of Admission

Once you have decided whether to accept or decline the offer of admission, login to Wolverine Access > Students tab > New and Prospective Student Business to enter your decision. If you have not created a Friend account, see Create a Friend Account for Guest Access to U-M Computing Resources on the U-M Information and Technology Services website.

Offers with Financial Support

The Rackham Graduate School abides by the Council of Graduate Schools Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars, Fellows, Trainees, and Assistants. When a prospective or current student accepts an offer of financial support (such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship) for the next academic year, the student enters an agreement that both the student and graduate program are expected to keep. Students are not committed to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15. Withdrawing an acceptance of financial support after April 15 commits the student to secure a written release from the program before accepting an offer from another program or institution. See the Resolution for additional conditions influencing the offer.

International Students

After you accept the offer of admission in Wolverine Access, follow the steps to receive an F-1 or J-1 visa.

Submit the Official Final Transcript

Admitted students must submit one official final transcript/academic record from the institution where they have earned or will earn a bachelor’s degree. Students who received their degree from an institution outside of the United States should review Required Academic Credentials from Non-U.S. Institutions for transcript/academic record requirements by country or region.

The official final transcript/academic record must reach us by the end of your first term. Failure to provide the official final transcript/academic record will prevent progress in your degree program until it has been received by Rackham Admissions. Academic action may include: am official cancellation of your admission, delay in reaching candidacy, or delay in the approval for graduation.

To view if we have already received your official final transcript/academic record and posted the degree, you will need to accept the offer of admission and then create your Wolverine Access Student Business account. In Wolverine Access, select the U-M Transcript link and scroll down to the “Academic Previous Experience” section at the end of the U-M transcript. You should see the school name and address, degree name (B.A., B.S., D.D.S., etc.) and the conferral date of the degree. If you do not see the degree name and degree date, contact for assistance.

Deferring Admission

Graduate programs may grant deferred admission for up to one year following the original term of application. Send your deferral request to the graduate program. You must include the reason for deferral in your request. Decisions to approve deferral requests are made carefully, and not all requests may be approved.

Circumstances for Deferral

In rare situations, unforeseen, extenuating circumstances occur that affect an applicant’s ability to enroll. These situations may include a medical emergency (pandemic), family emergency, delay or denial of a visa to study in the United States, or natural disaster (earthquake, hurricane). When these types of circumstances occur, an admitted student may request to defer enrollment (referred to as deferred admission) for up to one year following the original term of application. A new application and application fee are not required.

Typically, circumstances such as employment, enrollment at another institution, funding, or indecisiveness regarding enrollment are not appropriate justifications for requesting deferred enrollment.

Deferral Beyond One Year

Consideration beyond one year requires submission of a new application, application fee, and required documentation.

When an applicant commits to serve in the military or provide public or government service such as Teach for America, Peace Corps, or AmeriCorps, prior to enrollment, a two year deferral of enrollment may be approved by the graduate program. However, if the request is approved by the graduate program, a new application form and application fee is required.