Club doorman from the movie Knocked-Up: “I can’t let you in ‘cause you’re old as ****. For this club, you know, not for the Earth.” Every once in a while I get an e-mail from U-M that has my demographic information on it. Normally I don’t read the demographic stuff. I...
The following is a transcript of a Gmail chat between Mike, a student blogger and Ph.D. Student in Kinesiology and Natalie Bartolacci, Academic Program Officer at Rackham Graduate School. For the record, the Gmail chat was not conducted fireside, but the warm imagery...
“Always look to the positive and never drop your head For the water will engulf us if we do not dare to tread So let’s tread water.” – De La Soul, “Tread Water” Pop quiz: Who are your Top 5 hip-hop groups of the ‘90s? Sorry to drop this on you. It’s no easy...
Moving cross country is a very singular experience. Typically there are two paths that one can take. They can choose to pack up everything they have and find a way to get it to their new destination. Generally this plan takes a good amount of money for moving trucks...
Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games! Oh Axel Rose, you are a true poet for the ages. But not really applicable in this scenario. More appropriate might be, Welcome to Ann Arbor, we’ve got great food and Ph.D.s. Doesn’t really roll off the tongue...