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Student Spotlights

Student Spotlight: Jihyeon Yeom

Before coming to Michigan, Jihyeon worked at the Argonne National Lab in Chicago, but she knew she shouldn’t stay put. “It was while working at Argonne that I realized to do more important or precious research, I need to know more about whatever field I’m in.” She...

Student Spotlight: Carrie Wenjing Xu

Carrie describes herself as ambitious. That trait manifests itself in why she ended up at U-M and what she’s done since she got here. She explains, “I came to the U.S. because I want to immerse myself in a new environment. I grew up, went to school, and pretty much...

Student Spotlight: Iván Chaar-López

Not many people went to college when they were 5, but Iván did. Granted, he was in kindergarten at a lab school at the University of Puerto Rico. He was ready for a change when it came time for graduate school, but he kept going, finishing his Master’s in History...

Student Spotlight: Ashley Hardin

“I grew up loving this place. I’ve always felt at home here.” And that makes sense: Ashley’s been wandering around Ann Arbor since she was a little kid. Growing up only an hour north of Ann Arbor and as the fifth member of her immediate family to attend U-M, she is...

Student Spotlight: Omari Keeles

Omari has been in school a long time. After his undergraduate degree at Howard, he pursued a Master’s in Public Health at George Washington University, two Master’s degrees at Columbia, then started a Ph.D. program at Miami. His three years at Miami got him through...

Student Spotlight: Naomi Wilson

Naomi is a second year graduate student in the Educational Studies-Foundations and Policy program. She came to U-M to work with Camille Wilson and is interested in Black youth activism, revolutionary thought, and critical consciousness within secondary schools. She...

Student Spotlight: Lauren Johns

After finishing her M.P.H. degree in Epidemiology at U-M in 2011, Lauren worked as a consultant at an environmental and occupational health consulting firm where she assessed chemical exposures and health risks in the workplace. That experience motivated her to delve...

Student Spotlight: So Hae (Irene) Park

Irene has two faculty advisors, Thomas Wilson and Thomas Glover, an atypical situation for doctoral candidates in the sciences. For her, having two advisors has been largely positive. “I get surprised every time: my faculty advisors are so different but they can work...

Student Spotlight: Ryan Wade

Ryan already went to grad school. He earned his Master’s in Interpersonal Practice and Mental Health from the School of Social Work and became a clinical social worker. He loved it and found work helping individuals to be rewarding. But he needed more. He says, “It...

Student Spotlight: Sara Meerow

As an undergraduate student at the University of Florida, Sara wrote an honors thesis on the ‘natural resource curse’ in Africa that shifted her perspective. “I examined countries whose economies were dependent on oil and minerals and how that dependence correlated...