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Wanda Hung, M.S., Computer Science and Engineering, is a busy working mother of two young children. If you’ve received funding from Rackham, there’s a good chance that some of it came from Wanda and alumni like her. She told us: “I fully support Rackham because my husband I were really grateful we were both able to get funding so we could go to grad school together. It can be so costly to pay for by ourselves. We were really grateful we were able to go at the same time; that’s why we want to give back and hope to help people in the same situation.”

Please join us for GRADitude at Rackham in the Rackham Lobby on March 16 for lunch and to write a note to donors like Wanda who give back to Rackham to support you. Share your story with them and say a quick thank you for their continued connection to graduate education at U-M. (And grab a free t-shirt, while supplies last!)

Alumni gifts make a big difference in what Rackham can do to support graduate students. In 2015:

  • 2,779 gifts were given to support graduate students
  • 81% of donations were from Rackham alumni
  • 52% of donors have given for more than five years
  • 1,135 were donations of $50 or less

In 2015, donors like Wanda helped Rackham fund:

  • 597 research awards
  • 159 summer stipends
  • 2,215 conference travel grants

Please register here to join us!
Wednesday, March 16, 11:30am to 1:30pm, Rackham Lobby
