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Postcard from the Field: Nicaragua

A view of Masaya Volcano, one of Nicaragua's many active volcanoes. I am studying the relationship between the upper respiratory tract microbiota and influenza infection. This summer, I worked with the Centro Nacional de Diagnóstico y Referencia at the Nicaraguan...

Meet the Bloggers: Deanna Montgomery

Hi there! My name is Deanna, and like many of you, I spend a lot of time pretending I have it all together. I’m a third-year Ph.D. student in Medicinal Chemistry - and no, you’re not the first person to ask me what that means. My short answer is “chemistry as applied...

Student Spotlight: Ziyong Lin

Student Spotlight: Ziyong Lin

Ziyong studies aging, specifically age related changes in human cognition, a field she’s been interested from a young age. “I grew up in China with my grandparents, and living in an Asian community where there is a positive association with aging made me very...

Postcard from the Field: Liberia

Students of West Point, Monrovia: Abraham, Vivian, Patience, Jacqueline, Lorpu and their peers. I am studying how social programs, services and policies moderate the life trajectory of orphans and vulnerable youths infected or affected by the Ebola virus disease (EVD)...

Postcard from the Field: Tijuana

Ryan Firebee drone | "Todos somos migrantes" ("We're all migrants") mural by Teak and Adrián Juárez Omet in Pasaje Rodríguez, Tijuana | Colonia Postal, Tijuana What is a drone? What does it do and how does it work? What political goals are pursued in drone design...

Public Scholarship in the Age of the Internets

I’ve been having a lot of conversations with fellow graduate students, both at Michigan and elsewhere, fellow classicists and non-classicists, and there’s been a topic of conversation that comes up a lot: in one form or another, many of us want to grow up to be some...

Postcard from the Field: Rio

Me in Escadaria Selarón in Rio! I got the Rackham Conference Travel Grant, and I am on my way to attend a conference in Buenos Aires and took 3 day stop in Rio to see the Olympic 2016 preparations! - Sahil Chhabra, Ph.D. Candidate, ChemistryTags: student...

Postcard from the Field: Alaska

Sampling iron rich river water to study the role of iron in the Alaskan Arctic. I am a graduate student working with Rose Cory (EES) to determine the role of iron in carbon cycling in the Alaskan Arctic. With ongoing climate change, previously frozen soils rich in...