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Discover Rackham

Student Spotlight: Matthew Stone

Student Spotlight: Matthew Stone

We should be opening Matthew’s story with a joke. A fan of stand-up comedy, he’s in the midst of writing some bits for an open mike night at a local comedy club. “I’m working on some jokes, but they’re not funny yet.” Hopefully he’s having more success in the lab as a...

Alumni Spotlight: Martha Rolingson

Alumni Spotlight: Martha Rolingson

“I wasn’t a typical grad student.” While Martha lived in Ann Arbor for only two years, she accomplished a significant amount in that short time frame. She recalls, “People were surprised I was in and out as quickly as I was. Most students in anthropology seemed to...

Student Spotlight: Rebecca Christensen

Student Spotlight: Rebecca Christensen

It is prestigious to be a part of one of the best graduate programs in your field, and there’s a lot of privilege that comes with the ability to attend a university like ours. Becky Christensen has a more holistic view on the privilege we have, and during her time at...

My Grad-Student New Year Wish/Resolution List

Keep my notes organized, and not use cookie-smeared napkins as convenient parchment to write down important bits of information during seminars. Do a better job of explaining to my family what it is I do, and how exactly I spend my time. Start convincing my 4-year old...

My Grad-Student New Year Wish/Resolution List

Keep my notes organized, and not use cookie-smeared napkins as convenient parchment to write down important bits of information during seminars. Do a better job of explaining to my family what it is I do, and how exactly I spend my time. Start convincing my 4-year old...