Discover Rackham
A Social Life in Graduate School Is Just as Important as an Academic Life
Believe it or not, having a social life is an integral part of graduate school. When I first started graduate school, most of my friends were people that were in my cohort. However, as people have started finishing, moved to other places while still in the program, or...
For Rackham Students with Emergency Financial Needs
Attending graduate school is a significant investment of time and money. Some students leave full-time employment to pursue a graduate degree and find themselves balancing the costs of graduate school and daily living on a fixed income. What do you do in the event of...
How Health Care Works on Campus
Do you know how health care works on campus? University Health Service (UHS) is your campus health clinic, providing comprehensive services in one building on central campus, very near Rackham Graduate School. When you are a currently enrolled U-M student (Ann Arbor...
Teaching RCR Certificate Program at the University of Illinois
Are you passionate about teaching? Are you engaged in thinking about research ethics? Would you like to create a course that teaches the responsible conduct of research at the U-M? The Rackham Graduate School is seeking two Ph.D. students to participate in a graduate...
Meet the Deans: Peter Hitchcock
Hello! I am one of four Associate Deans, and my role at Rackham is to provide administrative oversight for graduate programs in the biological, biomedical and health sciences. In addition, I help coordinate campus-wide resources for training in the responsible conduct...
Back to the Grind
I feel like a citizen of the world!! I have explored two new countries and presented at two different statistical conferences since my last blog post. I had a very busy and eventful summer this year and now it seems like I have so many deadlines to catch up with, a...
Summer Plans
As a doctoral student in the process of writing my thesis proposal the academic year is a big long blur of deadlines; spring break, summer break, winter break, graduation week, welcome week. They all seem irrelevant, it is one endless stretch with recursive events of...
What Is the Purpose of Studying History?
In thinking about my own work as an historian, I cannot help but think of the profession as a whole. Traditionally, a “successful” practitioner of history with a Ph.D. was supposed to find a tenure-track job at a university, where he or she would teach undergraduate...
A Successful Biostatistician
In the Department of Biostatistics we have a plaque inscribed with the names of exceptional students from past years. Early on in the academic program clearing the qualifying examinations and becoming a Ph.D. candidate is a relief and getting the award for the top...
The Key to Success: Passion
Passion. It’s what drives people in the environmental conservation field. Passion for preserving natural wonders, protecting endangered flora and fauna, restoring degraded land, improving policy, changing behavior, reducing industry’s footprint, achieving...