Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours
OnlineIf you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. […]
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. […]
With diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) facing major challenges from political and other leaders, now is the time to strengthen your understanding of these topics and their significance. Join this […]
During this event, Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops that received funding for the 2024/2025 Academic Year will have the opportunity to share what they've accomplished with other members of the campus community. […]
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. […]
During this workshop participants will have the opportunity to learn terms associated with racism/anti-racism as well as power and oppression and their impact in the global and U.S. context. Additionally, […]
This workshop is open to all graduate students seeking guidance on cover letters and resumes for positions beyond tenure track roles. It also meets the needs of those applying for […]
The theme for this year’s celebration of César Chávez Day of Service and Learning at the University of Michigan will be: “‘Sí Se Pudo, Sí Se Puede y Sí Se […]
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. […]
Have you ever succeeded at an academic task even though you were convinced that you wouldn't do well? Do you dread others evaluating your work or avoid opportunities for critical […]
Each month, an orientation session is offered for all new and incoming postdocs. The orientation session includes information about the role of postdocs, working with your P.I./supervisor, campus resources, benefits […]