Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards
These awards honor senior faculty who have consistently demonstrated outstanding achievements in the areas of scholarly research and/or creative endeavors, teaching and mentoring of students and junior faculty, service and related activities that have brought distinction to themselves and to the University of Michigan.
General Information
Faculty with the rank of (full) professor may be nominated. Nominations of outstanding women, minorities and members of other groups historically underrepresented in their disciplines are encouraged.
Selection Criteria
The Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards honor senior faculty who have consistently demonstrated outstanding achievements in scholarly research and/or creative endeavors, have a record of sustained excellence in teaching and mentoring of students and junior colleagues, and, through service and other professional activities, have brought distinction to themselves and to the University of Michigan.
Number of Awards
Five awards in the amount of $2,500.
Source of Nominations
Nominations may be submitted by deans, directors, department/program heads, promotion or award committees, or individual faculty members.
Selection Process
A committee of senior faculty from different disciplines and academic units reviews nominations and makes recommendations to the Provost, who makes the final selection. Awards are publicly announced early in the fall term and formally presented at a ceremony.
The nomination deadline is Monday, February 10, 2025, at 5:00pm, EST.
For more information contact:
Honors and Awards
Telephone: (734) 615-0255
Email: honorsandawards@umich.edu
Guidelines for Preparing Nominations
As described below, a nomination dossier must include a cover sheet with contact information, a nominating letter, and curriculum vitae. Incomplete nomination dossiers cannot be reviewed. The Graduate School will add to each nomination dossier a dissertation committee service report and the Registrar’s Teaching Evaluation “Instructor Report” that tabulates quantitative data only.
The online nomination dossier may be set up by a U-M faculty or staff member. Others may be given login access to the site as needed. The nomination system may be accessed as often as needed in order to complete the nomination dossier. All materials must be uploaded in Adobe PDF format.
Cover Sheet
Complete the online cover sheet with all information requested for both the nominee and the nominator—not the administrator who may have initiated the dossier.
Nominating Letter
As committee members represent a range of disciplines and may not be familiar with the nominee’s field, describe the nominee’s contributions in a way that conveys their significance to those not acquainted with the field. Given the number of highly accomplished senior faculty, the letter should explain the particular distinction that makes the nominee exceptionally qualified for this honor. The letter may incorporate quotations from former and current students, peers and faculty that describe the significance of the nominee’s scholarly and research achievements, teaching and mentoring excellence, service contributions and other impact measures outside the classroom.
The letter may be no longer than 2,000 words. A new letter may be submitted for re-nominations or an addendum may be submitted to update the dossier.
Letters should cover the areas below; those that do not will disadvantage the nominee:
- A concise description of the nominee’s major research, scholarly and/or creative endeavors and accomplishments, including an explanation of the overall significance of the work and evidence for its impact on the nominee’s field or discipline
- Evidence of the nominee’s professional achievements and reputation, particularly through recognition by her or his peers, and an explanation of the significance of major external awards
- Evidence of the nominee’s involvement as a successful advisor and mentor to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and/or junior colleagues, including placement information of graduate students for whom the nominee was the primary advisor
- An evaluation of the nominee’s contributions, ability, and influence as member of the teaching faculty which might include, for instance, leadership in design of new degrees, programs or curriculum; the quality and impact of the nominee’s teaching and courses; and significant awards recognizing notable accomplishments as an educator
- Evidence that shows the nominee’s impact outside the classroom in significant service or professional contributions, including formal or informal administrative roles in the University or in the discipline or profession, service on editorial boards and in other professional organizations and societies, or outstanding service to communities and institutions beyond the University
- Indicators of additional aspects of the nominee’s accomplishments including disciplinary or interdisciplinary innovations, patents, or other significant achievements
Curriculum Vitae
Provide the nominee’s current c.v.
Recipients of Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards
- Nancy Ambrose King, Music, Theatre, and Dance
- Vernon Bruce Carruthers, Microbiology and Immunology
- Paul Christopher Johnson, History and Afroamerican and African Studies
- Carla O’Connor, Education
- Sara A. Pozzi, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences and Physics
- Charles Brooks, Chemistry
- Sherif El-Tawil, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Lola Eniola-Adefeso, Chemical Engineering
- Paula Lantz, Public Policy
- Thad Polk, Psychology
- Jill Becker, Psychology
- Kathleen Collins, Internal Medicine
- Rada Mihalcea, Computer Science and Engineering
- Stephen Rush, Performing Arts Technology
- Melanie Sanford, Chemistry
- Howard Brick, History
- Xuming He, Statistics
- Brian Jacob, Public Policy
- Caroline Richardson, Family Medicine
- Louise Toppin,, Music, Theatre, and Dance
- Yan Chen, Information
- David Dunning, Psychology
- Susan Parrish, English Language and Literature
- Pramod Reddy, Mechanical Engineering
- Christopher Ruf, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
- Carol Bradford, Otolaryngology
- Anita Gonzalez, Music, Theatre, and Dance
- Hosagrahar Jagadish, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Elizaveta Levina, Statistics
- Kon-Well Wang, Mechanical Engineering
- Todd Austin, Computer Science and Engineering
- Peter Davies, English Language and Literature
- Bhramar Mukherjee, Biostatistics
- Stephen Ragsdale, Biological Chemistry
- Dorceta Taylor, Environment and Sustainability
- Fatma Müge Göçek, Sociology, Women’s Studies
- Roman Hryciw, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Daniel J. Klionsky, Alexander G. Ruthven Professor of Life Sciences, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
- Marianetta Porter, Art and Design
- Mark Tessler, Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science
- Rachel Goldman, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Physics
- Malcolm Low, Physiology, Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Internal Medicine
- Eileen Pollack, English Language and Literature
- Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Chemistry and Biophysics
- Paul Resnick, Information
- Jeff Fessler, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ECE Division
- Elaine Gazda, History of Art
- Charlotte Mistretta, Biologic and Materials Sciences
- Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, Psychology
- Sidonie Smith, English Language and Literature and Women’s Studies
- Ellen Arruda, Mechanical Engineering
- Martin Katz, Music Theatre, and Dance
- Theodore Norris, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Jianming Qian, Physics
- Nicola Terrenato, Classical Studies
- Mark Banaszak Holl, Chemistry
- Paul Drake, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences
- Susan Gelman, Psychology
- Deborah Gumucio, Cell and Developmental Biology
- Laura Kasischke, English Language and Literature
- Eva Feldman, Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology
- Theodore Goodson III, Richard Barry Bernstein Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
- Joan Nassauer, Professor of Landscape Architecture
- Georg Raithel, Professor of Physics
- Carl Simon, Professor of Mathematics, Professor of Complex Systems, and Professor of Public Policy
- Paul Berman, Physics
- Christin Carter-Su, Molecular and Integrative Physiology
- Richard Gonzalez, Psychology, Statistics, Marketing
- Alfred Hero, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Statistics
- Mark Meyerhoff, Chemistry
- David Allan, Natural Resources and the Environment
- Nikolaos Katopodes, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Jeff MacKie-Mason, Information
- Kamal Sarabandi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Valerie Traub, English and Women’s Studies
- Dionissios Assanis, Mechanical Engineering
- Michael Imperiale, Microbiology and Immunology
- John Jackson, Political Science
- Robert Kennedy, Chemistry
- Henry Wellman, Psychology
- Carl Akerlof, Physics
- Valerie Lee, School of Education and LSA
- Vincent Pecoraro, Chemistry
- Christopher Peterson, Psychology
- George Steinmetz, Sociology, Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Sushil Atreya, AOSS
- Laurence Goldstein, English Language and Literature
- Jessy Grizzle, EECS
- Joyce Marcus, Anthropology
- Ralph Yang, Chemical Engineering
- David Ballou, Biological Chemistry
- Enoch Brater, English Language and Literature
- Victor Li, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Sherri Smith, Art and Design
- Alan Wineman, Mechanical Engineering
- Carol A. Fierke, Chemistry
- Thomas W. Glover, Human Genetics
- George Kling, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Khalil Najafi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Eric Rabkin, English Language and Literature
- William Zimmerman, Political Science
- Kim F. Hayes, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- June Howard, American Culture, English, and Women’s Studies
- John Kucich, English Language and Literature
- Victor Lieberman, History
- Kenneth Lieberthal, Political Science and Business
- John A. Williams, Molecular and Integrative Physiology
- David Engelke, Biological Chemistry
- James House, Sociology
- John Jonides, Psychology
- William Paulson, Romance Languages and Literatures
- Robert L. Smith, Industrial and Operations Engineering
- Donald Clewell, Microbiology and Immunology
- Robert E. Lewis, English Language and Literature
- Andrew F. Nagy, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science
- Jeffrey Parsons, Anthropology and Museum of Anthropology
- Richard D. Woods, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Jonathan Freedman, American Culture
- Kang Shin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Tobin Siebers, English Language and Literature
- Dennis Thiele, Biological Chemistry
- Pallab Bhattacharya, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- David Ginsburg, Human Genetics
- Linda Gregerson, English Language and Literature
- Michael Marletta, Biological Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry
- Regina Morantz-Sanchez, History
- John Hayes, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Fred Karsch, Physiology
- Jairam Menon, Biological Chemistry
- William Roush, Chemistry
- Henry Wright, Anthropology
- John Faulkner, Physiology
- Anne Ruggles Gere, English and Education
- Michael Morris, Chemistry
- Arlene Saxonhouse, Political Science
- Jacquelynne Eccles, Psychology
- Thomas Gelehrter, Human Genetics
- Phillip Gingerich, Geological Sciences
- Rowena Matthews, Biological Chemistry
- Roy Rappaport, Anthropology
- Philip Bucksbaum, Physics
- Nicholas Delbanco, English Language and Literature
- H. Scott Fogler, Chemical Engineering
- Steven L. Kunkel, Pathology
- Abigail Stewart, Psychology and Women’s Studies
- Reynolds Farley, Sociology and Population Studies
- Sarah Winans Newman, Anatomy and Cell Biology
- James Winn, English Language and Literature
- Kensall Wise, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Charles Yocum, Biology
- Richard Crawford, Music
- Stephen S. Easter, Jr., Biology
- Albert Schultz, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
- John Shy, History
- Edward Smith, Psychology
- George Bornstein, English Language and Literature
- Dimitri Coucouvanis, Chemistry
- Martin Katz, Music
- Hazel Markus, Psychology
- Miriam Meisler, Human Genetics
- L. Ross Chambers, Romance Languages and Literatures
- Martinus J. G. Veltman, Physics
- Charles H. Williams, Biological Chemistry
- Shien-Ming Wu, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
- Tadataka Yamada, M.D., Internal Medicine
- Francis S. Collins, Internal Medicine
- Elmer G. Gilbert, Aerospace Engineering
- Yuri Gurevich, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- David A. Hollinger, History
- Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Robert Axelrod, Political Science
- Joseph Blotner, English Language and Literature
- Robert E. Cole, Sociology and Business Administration
- William G. Rosenberg, History
- Rob Van der Voo, Geological Sciences
- Richard Bailey, English Language and Literature
- Raoul Kopelman, Chemistry
- Jochen Schacht, Otolaryngology
- Howard Schuman, Sociology
- Maris Vinovskis, History
- Marshall Becker, Public Health
- Floyd Gray, Romance Languages and Literatures (French)
- Ali Mazrui, Political Science
- Raymond Ruddon, Pharmacology
- Edgar Westrum, Chemistry
- Robert F. Berkhofer, Jr., History
- John H. Holland, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Stevo Julius, M.D., Internal Medicine
- Martha Vicinus, English and Women’s Studies
- George I. Haddad, Electrical Engineering
- Samuel Krimm, Physics
- Martha L. Ludwig, Biological Chemistry
- Michael M. Martin, Biological Sciences
- Bradford Perkins, History
- Elizabeth Douvan, Psychology
- Irwin J. Goldstein, Biological Chemistry
- William C. Kelly, Geological Sciences
- Robert L. Kahn, Psychology
- Charles G. Overberger, Chemistry
- Bernard W. Agranoff, Biological Chemistry
- Albert Feuerwerker, History
- Gerald P. Hodge, Medical and Biological Illustration
- Kenneth P. Matthews, Internal Medicine
- Rosemary C. Sarri, Social Work
- Sherman Kuhn, English Language and Literature
- Vincent Massey, Biological Chemistry
- Kenneth Organski, Political Science
- Frank Richart, Jr., Civil Engineering
- Chester Starr, History
- William Beierwaltes, Nuclear Medicine
- John H. D’Arms, Classical Studies
- David M. Gates, Biological Science
- Gustav Meier, Music
- C. A. Patrides, English Language and Literature
- Richard D. Alexander, Zoology
- Lawrence S. Bartell, Chemistry
- Isadore A. Bernstein, Biological Chemistry
- Frederick W. Gehring, Mathematics
- Jacob M. Price, History
- Thomas C. Adamson, Aerospace Engineering
- Stanley M. Garn, Anthropology
- Myron Levine, Human Genetics
- T. Michael Sanders, Physics
- Charles E. Trinkaus, History
- Sigurd Ramfjord, Dentistry
- Joseph L. Sax, Law
- Allen L. Shields, Mathematics
- Rolf G. Freter, Microbiology
- Elizabeth Bergmann, Dance
- Harold Jacobson, Political Science
- Donald Lewis, Mathematics
- John Pedley, Classical Studies
- Robert Super, English Language and Literature
- Walter J. Weber, Jr., Chemical Engineering
- Phillip J. Elving, Chemistry
- James N. Morgan, Economics
- Russell A. Fraser, English Language and Literature
- Warren E. Miller, Political Science
- Burton L. Baker, Anatomy
- Gardner Ackley, Economics
- Richard B. Brandt, Philosophy
- Minor J. Coon, Biological Chemistry
- William R. Dawson, Zoology
- James B. Griffin, Anthropology
- Leslie Kish, Sociology
- Guy J. Palazzola, Art
- William D. Robinson, Internal Medicine
- Chen-To Tai, Electrical Engineering
- Herbert H. Wagner, Botany
- Solomon J. Axelrod, Medical Care Organization
- Henry J. Meyer, Social Work
- Rhoads Murphy, Geography
- Helen D. Prince, Astronomy
- Herbert C. Youtie, Classical Studies
- David F. Bohr, Physiology
- Philip E. Converse, Political Science and Sociology
- Louise E. Cuyler, Music
- Emmett N. Keith, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Robert E. Moyers, Orthodontics
- Marilyn Mason Brown, Music
- Robert C. F. Bartels, Mathematics
- C. Gardner Child, III, Surgery
- Donald A. Kerr, Dentistry
- Alfred S. Sussman, Botany
- Marvin Felheim, Music
- Frank R. Kennedy, Law
- C. Theodore Larson, Architecture
- James V. Neel, Human Genetics
- W. Allen Spivey, Business Administration
- Arthur W. Burks, Computer and Communications Sciences and Philosophy
- Ronald Freedman, Sociology
- William C. Morse, Education
- Joseph E. Rowe, Electrical Engineering
- Robert W. Ward, Political Science
- Angus Campbell, Psychology and Sociology
- Robert C. Elderfield, Chemistry
- Sidney Fine, History
- Walter B. Sanders, Architecture
- Maurice J. Sinnott, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
- John E. Bardach, Fisheries (Natural Resources)
- Samuel J. Eldersveld, Political Science
- F. Bruce Fralick, Ophthalmology
- Theodore H. Hubbell, Zoology
- Daniel Katz, Psychology
- Marston Bates, Zoology
- George Katona, Economics and Psychology
- Raymond W. Waggoner, Psychiatry
- Harold E. Wethey, History of Art
- L. Hart Wright, Law
- Stanley E. Dimond, Education
- Gerald F. Else, Classical Studies
- Joseph J. Martin, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
- Kenneth L. Pike, Linguistics
- Walter A. Reichart, Germanic Languages and Literatures
- William W. Bishop, Jr., Law
- William K. Frankena, Philosophy
- Fred J. Hodges, Radiology
- Robert M. Thrall, Mathematics
- J. Philip Wernette, Business Administration
- Kenneth E. Boulding, Economics
- Ferrel Heady, Political Science
- Donald L. Katz, Chemical Engineering
- Reed M. Nesbit, Surgery
- Theodore M. Newcomb, Sociology and Psychology
- David M. Dennison, Physics
- Dwight L. Dumond, History
- Ross Lee Finney, Music
- Norman F. Miller, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Charles L. Stevenson, Philosophy
- Carl E. Badgley, Surgery
- Arthur W. Bromage, Political Science
- William G. Dow, Electrical Engineering
- Rensis Likert, Psychology and Sociology
- Floyd A. Peyton, Dentistry
- John C. Kohn, Civil Engineering
- Albert H. Marckwardt, English Language and Literature
- Wesley H. Maurer, Journalism
- D. M. Phelps, Business Administration
- William D. Revelli, Music
- Paul S. Barker, Internal Medicine
- Thomas Francis, Jr., Epidemiology
- Lewis N. Holland, Electrical Engineering
- E. Lowell Kelly, Psychology
- Hans Kurath, English Language and Literature
- Stanley A. Cain, Natural Resources
- Kenneth A. Easlick, Dentistry
- Paul G. Kauper, Law
- Paul W. McCracken, Business Administration
- James K. Pollock, Political Science
- Robert C. Angell, Sociology
- Paul S. Dwyer, Mathematics
- Roger W. Heyns, Psychology
- Howard Y. McClusky, Educational Psychology
- Lars Thomassen, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
- Frederick F. Blicke, Pharmacy
- Frederick A. Coller, Surgery
- H. Richard Crane, Physics
- Gilbert Ross, Music
- Leslie A. White, Anthropology
- Elizabeth C. Crosby, Anatomy
- John Dawson, Law
- Paul H. Naghdi, Engineering Mechanics
- Warner G. Rice, English Language and Literature
- Jean Paul Slusser, Art