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Application Process

Rackham offers Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop (RIW) grants to sponsor an ongoing program of interdisciplinary workshops, which is overseen by Associate Dean Catherine Sanok. This program has two goals. First, it is designed to encourage interdisciplinary research by supporting workshops for graduate students, faculty, postdocs, and staff who share intellectual interests but do not necessarily have an easily available forum in common because they have different academic affiliations. Second, RIWs are designed to advance graduate student research by providing opportunities for them to develop and present research in an interdisciplinary forum.

Graduate students interested in forming such groups may apply for grant funding to support workshop activities and to compensate coordinators. A maximum grant award of $5,000 may be requested if the application is submitted by August 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (EDT) for the upcoming academic year. Workshops will receive grant funds at the end of the year after successful submission and approval of the year-end report. Funding is for one year only, but continuing workshops may apply for renewal. Funding not used by the end of the academic year cannot roll over to the next academic year. Please note: The RIW program no longer has a second application cycle for winter semester workshops. Groups, however, may still apply for grant funding for one semester only and must submit applications by the August 1 deadline.


August 1, 2024, for funding for one or both semesters in next academic year. Applications can be submitted using the Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops Application System.

Grant Amounts and Process

  • Up to $5,000 for workshops that run for the full academic year.
  • Up to $2,500 for workshops that run for one semester.
  • The Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop account runs a deficit during the academic year, and Rackham grant funds are distributed upon submission and approval of the year-end report due by June 1. Failure to submit and/or provide all the required approvals to the year-end grant report (RIW coordinator, administrator, faculty) will result in the workshop waiving its right to Rackham funding for the fiscal year, and will disqualify the group from receiving grant funding the following fiscal year.

Application Requirements

Applications must include a topic statement, a schedule of planned activities, an itemized budget, and a list of participants, in addition to written approval from faculty advisors and finance administrators.

The topic statement should address the following questions:

  • What are the core research topics and questions that the RIW will explore?
  • On which programs and disciplines does this topic draw? Explain how it extends beyond current degree programs and departments?
  • How will the RIW develop its membership?
  • Does this RIW advance U-M’s DEI initiatives, and, if so, how? Please note that this is not a criterion for selection, but provides information about how a research group might contribute to Rackham’s commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The list of participants, schedule of planned activities, and budget should contain the following information: :

  • List of participants: List the U-M members who have committed to participate in the RIW during the period of funding requested. For each member, provide their uniqname, program affiliation, and status. Coordinator(s), faculty sponsor, and administrative support staff should be clearly identified in your application. Note that at least one coordinator must be a doctoral candidate. The organizers are responsible for ensuring that all members have active affiliation with U-M and have committed to regular participation in the RIW if funded.
  • Schedule of planned activities for the RIW (no more than 2 pages—provide frequency, meeting time, and format). As a regular forum for pursuing research in a cross-disciplinary community, RIWs should meet a minimum of four times per semester, in addition to any organizational or social events.
  • Proposed budget. (Review the Allowable Expenses section before preparing budget.) Please use this Excel template when preparing your grant budget proposal and year-end report. Do not make any changes or edits to the form. Enter your proposed spending amount in the column designated for that purpose. Groups should only apply for grant funds necessary for the functions of their Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop. Be sure to review the information below about allowable expenses before preparing your budget.
  • Confirmation from the student coordinators’ director of graduate studies or faculty advisor that they approve the RIW planned activities and that students have reached candidacy.

Selection Criteria

RIW grant applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • The workshop provides a regular, ongoing forum for members to present and/or discuss research on a shared cross-disciplinary topic. The workshop should meet a minimum of four times each semester, in addition to any organizational or social events.
  • The workshop provides an interdisciplinary forum that is not otherwise available within current degree programs and departments. RIWs demonstrate that they meet this criterion through their membership (a minimum of six members from at least two graduate programs) and attendee lists, which should show engagement across programs.
  • The workshop has a group of regular members (roughly, 12 to 25 members who participate in more than half of planned activities, though some RIWs might be smaller or larger). RIWs must have a minimum of six members from at least two graduate programs who commit to participate and regularly attend meetings.
  • The workshop promises to contribute to the development of innovative interdisciplinary dialogue.

Allowable Grant Expenses

Student Stipends

Up to $1,500 a year for the graduate student coordinator or coordinators (up to three co-coordinators). This amount is shared if there is more than one coordinator ($300 minimum, $1,500 maximum).

Research Contributions

Research Contributions for the RIW faculty sponsor(s) of up to $500 maximum ($250 maximum if split between two faculty sponsors).


Hosting including meals for one visiting speaker and food and beverages for functions. The total of all food and beverages may not exceed $1,000 for a full academic year or $500 for a semester.

Honoraria for One Speaker

Up to $500. RIWs, which are designed to foster intellectual and research community among members and not to fund public talks or conferences, may nevertheless host or co-sponsor one outside speaker for each academic year. RIWs are not designed to fund a series of speakers or public talks, for which other funding sources should be pursued.

“Speaker” is here defined as a scholar who is invited to give a public presentation of their research. RIWs may invite scholars from outside U-M for other kinds of events that contribute to the intellectual community and interdisciplinary research of the RIW, e.g., participation in the group’s collaborative project.

Cost Sharing for Conferences or Other Public Events

Cost sharing for conferences or other public events may not exceed $500. RIWs may occasionally choose to support events that are designed for larger audiences when they align with the RIW’s research topic. In such cases, RIW coordinators are encouraged to organize events designed specifically for their workshop in tandem with the public event. Some possible formats include: meetings to discuss a scholar’s work in advance of their visit, a dedicated workshop with the speaker for RIW members, or a post-event discussion.

New Books or Writing Materials

Up to $100 per member per academic year may be used to purchase books or other academic materials. For these expenses to be reimbursed, the expense form must specify the workshop event for which the books were purchased and identify the recipient of each book. Organizers must confirm that the book is not available electronically through the library.


Mileage for students to in-state events.


Tickets for activities such as exhibits, performances, and films.