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Rackham Professional Development and Engagement

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Events from this organizer

Seventh Annual Rackham King Talks

Auditorium, 1st Floor, Rackham Building 915 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Join us in the Rackham Auditorium as Rackham students communicate the relevance of their work to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy in a TED-talk style. The 2024 MLK Symposium theme is “The 21st Century Struggle: Transforming the Jangling Discords of Our Nation into a Beautiful Symphony.” This line is taken from Dr. King’s famous […]

Informational Interviewing


Informational interviewing can be a powerful tool to aid in your career exploration, as well as networking and job search efforts. We’ll talk about the purpose of an informational interview, how to identify people to interview, how to request an informational interview, and how to prepare for a productive conversation. Registration is required at […]

Creating Inclusive Environments: Inclusive Leadership


Having diverse individuals on a team or in an organization, does not make that space automatically inclusive. Inclusive leaders create environments where a diverse group of individuals can thrive. In this interactive workshop, we will discuss traits and practices of inclusive leaders and why creating an environment in which all employees/members have a seat at […]

Internship Connections: Application Materials—Resumes and Cover Letters


This workshop is open to all graduate students seeking guidance on cover letters and resumes for positions beyond tenure track roles. It meets the needs of those applying for the Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program. The process of synthesizing your academic experiences into strong application materials for jobs beyond academia can be challenging but rewarding. […]

We’re Biased. So Now What?: Personalizing and Mitigating Unconscious Bias

1110/1120 Professional Education Center 4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI, United States

Many of us are committed to DEI and accept the extensive evidence from scholarly studies in psychology and neuroscience demonstrating that we all have unconscious biases that affect our interactions with others. The question then becomes, how do we not only become aware of our biases, but also work to overcome them? Learning Objectives: Gain […]

February 2024 Postdoctoral Orientation


Each month, an orientation session is offered for all new postdoctoral research fellows, and those with a new postdoctoral research fellow appointment in the U-M human resources system within the past two months at the University of Michigan. The orientation session includes information about the role of postdocs, working with your P.I./supervisor, campus resources, benefits […]

DEI (and A, B, and J) Principles, Concepts, and Discourses: A Workshop for Graduate Students

Assembly Hall, 4th Floor, Rackham Building 915 East Washington Street, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

This workshop is designed to introduce graduate students to fundamental concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as accessibility, belonging, and justice (A, B, and J). Learning objectives for this workshop include: Defining and differentiating between key terms Understanding the historical contexts and antecedents shaping current DEI discourses and practices in higher education […]

Talking Outside Your Field: Explaining Your Research During Your Industry Job Search


Are you a graduate student intending to apply for industry jobs? While talking to potential employers, you’ll find yourself trying to describe your research to non-experts, struggling to avoid jargon, and feeling like your description is vague or unclear. In this University Career Center workshop, we’ll address this problem, develop specific strategies to describe your […]

Career Exploration: Strategies and Resources


This workshop will focus on resources you can leverage to explore career options, as well as strategies to best position yourself for a variety of career trajectories. We will cover approaches to networking, transferable skills, and key resources designed to support your exploration. This workshop is open to students at all points in their graduate […]

Anti-Racism in the Abroad Context


Structural racism in the United States is the normalization and legitimization of an array of dynamics—historical, cultural, institutional, and interpersonal—that routinely advantages white people while producing cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color. It is a system of hierarchy and inequity primarily characterized by white supremacy—the preferential treatment, privilege, and power for white […]