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Immigration Documents for International Students

Rackham Graduate School, in collaboration with U-M’s International Center, has launched the M-Passport system to simplify F-1 and J-1 record keeping. Once you accept the offer of admission and set up your uniqname, you will receive an email invitation to the M-Passport system. The invitation email will be sent to your U-M email address. Once you log in to M-Passport, instructions on how to proceed with the new I-20/DS-2019 request process will be provided. If you have any questions, please email

If you need an F-1 or J-1 visa, the University of Michigan is required by the U.S. government to obtain documentation proving that international applicants (non-U.S. Citizens) have sufficient financial resources to provide for their expenses while in the United States. Rackham Admissions is the U-M office that will prepare your I-20 or DS-2019 after you have provided the required documents through your M-Passport portal.

After all the documents are approved, Rackham will begin the process to prepare your I-20 or DS-2019. Allow three weeks for Rackham to complete your I-20 or DS-2019. You will be able to review your immigration information and track the progress of your immigration document in your M-Passport account.

Which student visa do you plan to obtain?


If you are requesting an I-20 for an F-1 visa you are required to submit evidence of the availability of funds for your expenses for the first year only, and also indicate source(s) of funding for subsequent years. Subsequent years’ funding is indicated by use of a checkbox on the University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support.


If you are requesting a DS-2019 for a J-1 visa you are required to submit evidence of the availability of funds for your expenses for the duration of your program. Use the estimated expenses to calculate the total amount you need to certify and provide the required proof of funds. Over 50% of funding must come from sources other than personal funds.

Estimated Student Costs and Expenses

Tuition and fees are subject to change at any time as approved by the Board of Regents. You should plan for an annual increase of 5% to 10% on all costs. Program fees vary and are not reflected in these estimates. Check with the graduate program if you have questions about the fees specific to your degree program.

Estimated Student Expenses (Fall 2025 Through Winter 2026 Terms)
Tuition and Fees for One Academic Year $59,150
Living Expenses (housing, food, utilities, transportation, personal items for 12 months) $27,450
Books and Supplies (fall and winter terms only) $1,340
Mandatory Health Insurance (12 months) $2,660
Total Estimated Expenses $90,600

Where are you currently located?

Required Immigration Documents
Document You are currently outside the United States You are currently in the United States and a University of Michigan Student You are currently in the United States and transferring to the University of Michigan
Passport Required Required Required
University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support Required Required Required
Bank Statement(s), or Funding Letter, or both Required Required Required
Current I-20 or DS-2019   Required Required
Visa   Required Required
I-94   Required Required
EAD Card (submit only if you are under an OPT I-20 or AT)   Required Required
Transfer-In Form     Required

Outside the United States

Immigration Process for Newly Admitted International Students Outside the U.S.

To request an I-20 or DS-2019 for an F-1 or J-1 visa you must log into your M-Passport account and upload the following documents:

In the United States with F-1 or J-1 Status

If You Are at U-M

Immigration Process for International Students Currently at U-M Ann Arbor

To request an I-20 or DS-2019 for an F-1 or J-1 visa you will be invited to log into your M-Passport account and upload the following documents:

  • Completed University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support
  • Bank statement(s) or funding letter
  • Copy of your current I-20 or DS-2019
  • Copy of your passport, photo page only
  • Copy of your visa
  • Copy of your current I-94
  • Copy of your Employment Authorization Document if applicable

If You Are Transferring Your SEVIS Record from Another U.S. Institution

Immigration Process for International Students Transferring a Visa from Another U.S. Institution

You are considered a “SEVIS Transfer Student” if you hold F-1 or J-1 student status at another institution in the United States and plan to remain in that visa status. To transfer your SEVIS record to the University of Michigan and to request an I-20 or DS-2019 from U-M, you must log into your M-Passport account and upload the following documents:

  • Completed University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support
  • Bank statement(s) or funding letter
  • Copy of your current I-20 or DS-2019
  • Copy of your passport, photo page only
  • Copy of your visa
  • Copy of your current I-94
  • Copy of your Employment Authorization Document if applicable

You will receive an @umich email invitation to log into your M-Passport account and you must respond “yes” to the question, “Are you a SEVIS transfer?” This will begin the process of transferring your SEVIS record to U-M. You will be required to enter a valid email address of your current DSO in M-Passport to begin this process. Your International Student Advisor at your current or previous school must electronically release your SEVIS record to U-M after you finish classes and/or upon completion of OPT. Rackham Graduate School cannot process your new I-20 or DS-2019 until your SEVIS record is released to the University of Michigan.

Obtaining Your I-20 or DS-2019

Rackham is not planning to ship out documents, so once your I-20/DS-2019 has been approved by SEVIS, your immigration document will be signed electronically and placed in your M-Passport portal to download and print.

Mandatory Immigration Check-In

Sign up for and attend the International Center’s Mandatory Immigration Check-in session.

Are you bringing dependents?

If you have dependents accompanying you while you study at the University of Michigan, you are required to provide proof of funds for their living expenses and health insurance in addition to your estimated expenses.

Required Immigration Documents for Dependents
Document You are outside the United States and bringing dependents You are in the United States and bringing dependents
Dependent’s Passport Required Required
Dependent’s Current I-20 or DS-19   Required
Dependent’s Visa   Required
Dependent’s I-94   Required
  1. Provide your dependent information on page four of the University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support.
  2. Upload the completed form, supporting financial documentation of funds, and a copy of the passport for each dependent (showing the picture, biographical information, and expiration date and include the machine readable information) in M-Passport Account.

If you are currently outside of the United States you will need to upload:

Copy of dependent’s passport

If you are currently in the United States you will need to upload:

  • Copy of dependent’s passport
  • Copy of dependent’s I-20 or DS-2019
  • Copy of dependent’s visa
  • Copy of dependent’s I-94
Estimated Dependent Expenses
  Estimated Dependent Expenses (12 Months) Per Month Expenses
Spouse’s living expenses, not including insurance $6,386 $532
Each additional dependent’s living expenses, not including insurance $3,200 $267
Mandatory Health Insurance for student and one dependent $5,250 $438
Mandatory Health Insurance for student and two or more dependents $7,880 $657

Does your program start in the summer half term (a half term that usually runs from late June to mid-August)?

Applicants that are admitted into graduate programs that start in the summer term must show enough proof of funds for first year of study. If you are unsure when your graduate program begins, please consult your graduate program coordinator or refer to your admission email from the Rackham Graduate School.

Note: Estimated funds vary by program; refer to your graduate program’s University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support for estimated expenses.

If you plan to apply to ELI’s English for Academic Purposes Summer Program, email to let us know that you intend to participate in that program.

Estimated Student Expenses (Summer-Half Term 2025 Through Spring-Summer 2026 Terms)
Tuition and Fees for the First Year $70,235
Living Expenses (housing, food, utilities, transportation, personal items for 14 months) $28,850
Books and Supplies (first year) $2,340
Mandatory Health Insurance for 14 months $3,275
Total Estimated Expenses $104,700
Estimated Dependent Expenses (Summer-Half Term 2025 Through Spring-Summer 2026 Terms)
Spouse’s living expenses, not including insurance $7,455
Each additional dependent’s living expenses, not including insurance $3,720
Mandatory Health Insurance for student and one dependent $6,180
Mandatory Health Insurance for student and two or more dependents $9,168

What forms of financial documentation are acceptable?

The following may be used as documentation of funds:

  • An official dated bank statement that includes the name of the financial institution, the account holder’s name, type of account, and clearly indicates the currency and the account balance. Do not submit statements with the transaction history.
  • A detailed letter from the sponsor stating the exact U.S. dollar amount being provided for tuition, living expenses, health insurance, and dependents (if applicable). This letter must be original and on official letterhead and include the dates of sponsorship, name of program, and degree level. The letter must be dated within one year of initial enrollment.
  • University of Michigan Award – Letter or email that details the type of funding (GSI or GSRA, fellowship, etc.), the specific amount for tuition, stipend, and health insurance, and duration of award. If the award does not cover the total estimated expenses, you must provide additional funds, such as personal funds that cover the remaining balance.
  • Educational Loans – A detailed letter on official letterhead from the financial institution that indicates your name, the approved amount of the loan, and the duration for which the loan is available.

Each individual contributing financially to your education must complete the University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support. In the case of jointly held accounts, each individual holder must complete the University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support.

The Following Types of Documentation Are Not Acceptable

  • Stocks, bonds, equities, investments, mutual funds, and retirement accounts (Indian Provident Funds: Fund manager must provide terms and conditions for fund disbursement)
  • The maturity or expiry date for fixed or term deposit is after the start of the term
  • Non-liquid assets of property or personal assets (automobiles, land, buildings, jewelry, etc.)
  • Statements verifying employment and salary
  • Insurance premiums and policies
  • Income tax returns
  • Attestations stating only that a sponsor can meet the expenses

All documents (acceptable or unacceptable) submitted for issuing the immigration document become the property of the University of Michigan and will not be returned to the student.

For questions on the immigration process, please contact

When is the deadline to submit my documentation?

The deadlines for submission of financial documents are listed below. If documents are not received by these dates, Rackham will begin withdrawing offers of admission.

  • Fall term, May 15
  • Summer term, April 15
  • Winter term, November 15

Glossary of Immigration Documents


Valid passport issued by your country of citizenship. (Must be valid for at least six (6) months after beginning your study).

University of Michigan Affidavit of Financial Support

Form providing instructions and requirements for submitting acceptable certification of funds.

Bank Statement

Official dated bank statement including name of the financial institution, account holder’s name, type of account, and clear indication the currency and account balance.

University of Michigan Award

Letter or email that details the type of funding (GSI or GSRA, fellowship, etc.), the specific amount for tuition, stipend, health insurance, and duration of award.


Spouse and unmarried children under age 21 may join you in the United States as F-2 dependents.


Primary immigration document for F-1 student status.


Primary immigration document for J-1 student status.


Travel document issued by U.S. Consulate or Embassy abroad.


Proof of legal non-immigrant status at the Port of Entry by a Customs and Border Protection Officer.


Employment Authorization Document issued by USCIS.