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Home » Discover Rackham » Open Mike: A Statement from Dean Solomon on the WilmerHale Report

Dear Rackham Students,

The difficult, painful findings of the WilmerHale report on the Martin Philbert investigation demonstrate that, despite significant and sustained efforts to eliminate sexual misconduct at the university, there is still much work to be done. I empathize with those who have endured sexual misconduct and harassment not only in this case, but in all instances.

I realize that you or others in your immediate community may need support given what the report describes. Resources are available from U-M’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center and Office for Institutional Equity. In addition, Counseling and Psychological Services has an embedded staff member, Dr. Laura Monschau, dedicated to working specifically with graduate students. I hope that you will take advantage of these resources as needed.

The entire U-M community is encouraged to report potential sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment. As your dean, I will continue working with my colleagues at Rackham and across campus to build conditions under which sexual misconduct, abuse of power, and violations of trust cannot occur in graduate programs and throughout the university. 

Mike Solomon