Discover Rackham
ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards Ceremony
Each year, a small number of truly exceptional dissertations completed at the University of Michigan are selected to be recognized with a ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. Dissertations are nominated for this highly competitive award by dissertation committee...
Alumni Spotlight: Cheri Chan
Born in Hong Kong, Cheri Chan (2007) attended British boarding school and then began her journey as an international student at Cornell University in 2000, where she majored in Biological Sciences with a minor in Cognitive Science. Initially, she considered pursuing a...
Rackham Celebrates Signing Day 2017 – Picture Gallery
Last week, Rackham celebrated Signing Day, when incoming students make their decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan. Signing Day is a celebration for incoming graduate students, current Rackham students, and alumni. Guests signed their...
Student Spotlight: Elizabeth Dreyer
Her sophomore year at Michigan Tech University, Liz discovered optics and fell in love with light. “To me waves make sense. In electrical engineering, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. In order for me to effectively contribute to the world, I needed to learn more...
Dealing with Death: An “Out of This World” Ethic of Care
This past month has been rough. I have lost a father, a mentor, and a staff member in my department in the span of three weeks. These three deaths were soul-crushing, inviting me to consider what it means to deal with sorrow and despair while managing an array of...
Journey Through the Dissertation
Earlier this semester, I attended a writing workshop organized by Jacqueline Stimson, who is not only my cohort-mate in the Department of Classical Studies, but also a very skilled writer and someone who has thought (and continues to think) deeply about the process of...
Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week Recap and Photo Galleries
Last week was all about celebrating our fantastic graduate and professional students. From April 4th to April 10th, Rackham Graduate School, Rackham Student Government (RSG), Graduate Rackham International (GRIN), SocioEconomically Underrepresented Graduate Students...
Alumni Spotlight: Patricia Griffin
Patricia Griffin recognizes that many graduate students weren’t as financially fortunate as she was. As a Ph.D. student in Education at U-M in the 1970s, she recalls, “Not everybody had the financial freedom I had. While I was in graduate school I was lucky enough to...
100 Years of Barbour Scholars: Introducing the 2017-2018 Cohort
In 1917, Levi Lewis Barbour endowed the Barbour Scholarship at the University of Michigan. Over the course of his lifetime, Barbour was highly involved with U-M, receiving both his undergraduate and law degrees from Michigan, and later serving as a regent. Barbour...
Student Spotlight: Aeriel Murphy
Aeriel Murphy was the kid doing science fair projects even when there wasn’t a science fair. Moving to a very rural Alabama community when she started high school, she could easily have gotten lost. Her family, most of whom are educators, had raised her to recognize...