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Steps in the Admissions Process

View Overview of the Application Process to see how Rackham Graduate School and the graduate program work together to review your application materials.

Before Application Submission

1. Create an ApplyWeb Account to Begin Your Application

2. Upload Files and Submit Application

3. Order Test Scores

See instructions regarding test score delivery and institution code.

4. Check That Letters of Recommendation Have Been Submitted

Use ApplyWeb to check the status of the letters. See reminders about what you can and cannot change after you’ve registered a recommender.

5. Complete Any Additional Steps Required by the Graduate Program

Refer to the graduate program’s website and follow any instructions provided by them regarding additional materials, scores, special instructions for statements, etc.

Additional information and submission of many of these requirements can be found in your ApplyWeb application.


After Application Submission

6. After the Download Confirmation Email Is Received, Create a U-M Friend Account If You Are New to the University

Please wait five business days after submitting your application before creating your friend account. You will receive an email confirming that Rackham has downloaded you application from ApplyWeb. This email will come from and direct you to set up your friend account.

7. Watch for Email Notifications

The graduate program and Rackham will email you throughout this process.