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Discover Rackham

Student Spotlight: Linda Hagen

Student Spotlight: Linda Hagen

Linda’s first visit to scope out graduate programs at U-M was a doozy. “I spent a year in the social psychology program on scholarship from my undergraduate institution in Germany and I really loved getting a glimpse of graduate student life. I was the same age as...

Student Spotlight: Gustavo Serratos

Student Spotlight: Gustavo Serratos

Gustavo is a big advocate for graduate student involvement on campus, and he knows what he’s talking about. As a first year Master’s student living in Northwood, he says, “I was one of those students who went from my school to Northwood and back. I didn’t really have...

Let’s Talk About Prelims, Part 1: A Quick Summary

As of March 7, 2016, I passed my preliminary exam and will officially be a Ph.D. candidate Fall 2016. I took notes throughout my experience for the purpose of writing this post, and I’ve included some visuals to break up the text to really convey how this experience...