Discover Rackham
How I Learned to Embrace Living in a College Town Post-Undergrad
As graduate students, we have a love-hate relationship with the undergraduates, though we often express the hate more fervently than the love. Most of the undergrad-focused comments I hear from my fellow graduate students are critical, at best, and I would be lying if...
Student Spotlight: Elaine Wah
From her first foray in programming with a “Learn Visual Basic in 21 Days” tutorial that she and her twin sister completed during one summer vacation while in elementary school, Elaine has been around computers from an early age. Inspired by her father, a faculty...
How I Get – and Give – Good Advice in Graduate School
Mentoring, as a concept, is something that gets discussed fairly often in academic circles. A friend recently posted this article on social media, which focused on advice for white faculty members looking to mentor scholars of color. The article from Dr. Kerry Ann...
Tips for Developing a Professional Online Presence OR You Are Already Kind of a Robot
Co-authored with Meredith Kahn, Women’s Studies and Publishing Services Librarian The first time I updated Facebook, I accidentally posted my comment ten times. Literally. At the time I had approximately five friends, so it didn’t really matter, but even now, I...
How to Stay in Touch with Your Creative Side While in the Lab
Step 1) Set up the expensive lab equipment. Step 2) Put the solutions on the samples. Step 3) Wait for things to happen. Step 4) Write things down. Take some pictures. Step 5) Collect data. Did it work? What does it mean? Step 6) Lather, rinse, repeat. Working in a...
Student Spotlight: Sarah Seelye
Sarah was older than the average graduate student when she applied to U-M. With an M.S.W. already in hand, she had been working as a program evaluator for a homeless program in Louisville that housed individuals with severe mental illness or substance abuse issues....
Connecting to Community as a Graduate Student
Graduate school is a rush - both intellectually and temporally. Last August I moved from Indianapolis to Ann Arbor for a 16 month Master’s program in the School of Social Work for Community Organizing. I initially struggled to find ways of not only getting to know...
Announcing the 2016 GSI and Mentoring Awardees
Through the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Awards, Rackham recognizes young scholars who have been nominated by their program for teaching excellence. Winners of this award demonstrate superb skill in teaching, mentoring and advising. They bring creativity,...
Alumni Spotlight: Larry Crosby
Larry loves his job: ”Being a dean is a general management job. It has all of the functions that go into the president or a general manager of a business. I can apply everything I’ve learned in my Ph.D. and M.B.A. every day of the week. I make decisions around...
Student Spotlight: Charity Hoffman
Charity never imagined that she would end up in graduate school at the University of Michigan. Although she was born in western Michigan, she grew up in Japan and New York City; Michigan was simply the place she would come back to once a year to visit grandparents and...