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Discover Rackham

A Successful Biostatistician

In the Department of Biostatistics we have a plaque inscribed with the names of exceptional students from past years. Early on in the academic program clearing the qualifying examinations and becoming a Ph.D. candidate is a relief and getting the award for the top...

The Key to Success: Passion

Passion. It’s what drives people in the environmental conservation field. Passion for preserving natural wonders, protecting endangered flora and fauna, restoring degraded land, improving policy, changing behavior, reducing industry’s footprint, achieving...

Why Did I Choose U-M?

As an international student my decision to come to U-M did not involve a campus visit, a meeting with a professor or experiencing the opulence of the department which seems defacto in decision making by most students. None of these are feasible for most international...

My Love For the Winter in Ann Arbor

I thought about this month's piece and decided that I had to speak for the people like me who love the snow! I absolutely love the snow and feel that the cold in the winter is the "price" to pay for this "fanciful" liking. And I say...

Exploring the U.S. Through Road Trips

During the Spring Break most students at U-M would go home, go on ASB (alternative spring break), sit in the lab or go to Cancun - but the adventurous ones go on a road trip. On one Spring Break four zesty girls decided to explore America from a different perspective...

Grad School and ADHD

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 4.1% of the U.S. adult population has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I’m one of that 4.1%; in August, I was diagnosed with ADHD, primarily inattentive. Like most adults diagnosed with ADHD, I had ADHD as...

Balance: Sanctuary

I remember the first couple of weeks of my first semester, being bombarded with a constant stream of assignments and homework, moving from class to class and defining the start of my week by the day on which I hand in the homework. Towards the middle of the semester I...