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Discover Rackham

Data and the Graduate School Experience

Chances are you haven’t had much interaction with Rackham Institutional Research. We are typically behind the scenes trying to make sense of numbers and figuring out how to best communicate those numbers with our community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. But...

Rackham Alumni Among Ford Thirty Under 30 Fellows

Rackham Alumni Among Ford Thirty Under 30 Fellows

Rackham is excited to have an active representation in one of Ford’s newest community outreach efforts led by the Ford Motor Company Fund, the Thirty Under 30 program. This initiative is dedicated to instilling a sense of community in their employees and connecting...

Alumni Spotlight: Neill Mohammad

Alumni Spotlight: Neill Mohammad

Whether he’s on the campaign trail, advocating for hospitals in rural Illinois, or offering advice for Rackham graduate students, one question guides Neill Mohammad’s day-to-day work: How can he use his experiences to help others? It was in November 2016 that Neill...

Inside the Dissertation Writing Groups

This account of my experience with the Sweetland Dissertation Writing Groups (DWGs) must start with a public confession: regarding dissertation writing and chapter-producing, the fourth year of my doctoral studies at U-M was not very productive. Of course, I did a lot...

Student Spotlight: Sarah Gutin

Student Spotlight: Sarah Gutin

In her undergraduate years at U-M, Sarah felt a calling towards public health but didn’t know what aspect was the right fit for her, until she took a women’s reproductive health course, that’s when she knew. She hasn’t looked back. Being a good researcher, she put her...

Open Letter to a New Grad Student

Dear New Grad Student, Sorry I didn’t catch your name. We met a few months ago at a poster session during an internal symposium. Though my work is significantly outside your field, you showed an unfettered interest in my project. It didn’t surprise me when I asked if...

5 Reasons to Attend Fall Welcome This Year

Every year, the Rackham Graduate School hosts its Fall Welcome. This year, Welcome will take place on Friday, September 1, from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Our agenda of events is as follows: 1:00 to 2:00pm: Welcome Program (Rackham Auditorium) 2:00 to 4:00pm: Information Fair...