Discover Rackham
Student Spotlight: Laura Amtower
Laura is in her thesis year at U-M, undertaking a self-directed project called Playscape at an Ann Arbor elementary school. Building on her dual undergraduate degrees in art education and studio art, she is combining her passions for creative pedagogy in a year-long...
Explore Michigan: Say yah to da U.P. eh!
Fall has arrived in Michigan! It came in quickly this year, like a November gale blowing off the coast of one of the Great Lakes. Since fall is one of the shortest seasons in Michigan, the time to go out and enjoy the season is now! Very soon the leaves will be gone...
Student Spotlight: Elaina Breznau
While most of her peers were undergraduate students, Elaina was climbing 20,000 foot peaks in South America, scuba diving in the Bahamas, backpacking the Australian outback, and traversing the globe in search of adventure. In the process, she gained a different...
Gaining Perspective: The Mellon Fellowships at Rackham
Graduate students find different ways to make ends meet during the summer. With dissertations and job searches on their minds, summer can be fraught with the need for funding, experience, and time to conduct research and continue writing. Tough choices often lead to...
New Rackham Dean Carol A. Fierke
Dear Friends and Colleagues, As the new Dean of the Rackham Graduate School, I am very excited to work with graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni to continue to innovate and improve graduate education and to recruit the best scholars to the University of...
The Parents of Anthro-History
Like all graduate programs, the program in Anthropology and History has a distinct culture. In recent years, the small Anthro-History department has also had a plethora of families in their midst, a fact that has shaped their bonds as a community and strengthened...
A Portrait of Planned Givers: Yvonne and Richard Teske
Yvonne and Richard Teske have had strong connections to the University of Michigan for more than 50 years. They met in Ann Arbor, where Yvonne received her master’s and doctoral degrees and Richard was a faculty member of the Astronomy department. They came to...
Alumni Spotlight: Christal Sheppard
Christal admits, “I’ve been a little bit of everywhere.” Her career path has evolved in a non-traditional way, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Following her U-M Master’s and Ph.D., Christal obtained a law degree from Cornell and began her career as a patent...
Rackham’s Campaign Update
As we near the halfway mark for the University of Michigan Victors for Michigan fundraising campaign, Rackham is pleased to announce that we have raised $18.7 million to date and are more than halfway to our $30 million goal. Donors to Rackham support graduate...
Winter Is Coming
Yes, it’s not an original line. But like it or not, winter IS coming (don’t you hate it when people in non-wintry places say that these days, and you know they don’t ACTUALLY know what that means?), and after 3 years here, I am finally realising that I should prepare...