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Alumni Spotlights

Love and Robots

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we look at the research of alum Sven Nyholm, whose work includes exploring the possibilities and ethics of robot romance.

A Scholar and a Trailblazer

Forty-two years passed between the first and second Black men to earn a Ph.D. in physics. Edward Bouchet became the first, completing his doctoral degree at Yale University in 1876. The second was the University of Michigan’s own Elmer Imes in 1918. Now, 100 years...

Football to an Advanced Degree

“I couldn’t have written the script for the path I travelled.” For Rackham alum George Hoey, grad school wasn’t in the original plan. Then again, neither was playing in the NFL. If you ask him, he’ll tell you the plan didn’t really...

A Closer Look at Crime

It’s not hard to imagine why Christopher S. Palenik (Ph.D. ’04) became fascinated with microscopes as a child. His father, Skip Palenik, is a renowned microscopy expert who maintained a full-fledged microscopy laboratory in the basement of the Palenik family...

Alumni Spotlight: Jeannine Bell

As a social justice activist and scholar raised in 1970s Detroit, Jeannine Bell is no stranger to the challenges faced by marginalized populations today. Currently a professor at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Jeannine focuses on the systemic racism that...

Alumni Spotlight: Juan Jaen

“I wonder if I could go to school here.” That was Juan Jaen’s thought as he walked past the University of Michigan’s old chemistry building while visiting from his home city of Madrid (Spain). Anita, his girlfriend at the time, now his wife, replied, “Well, go inside...

Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Hansen

Where science went, so did Jeff Hansen, from a college campus to the newsroom and back again. With an undergraduate degree in Economics, a Ph.D. in Microbiology, and a career in journalism, his career path might seem nontraditional, but to him, it makes perfect sense....

Alumni Spotlight: Tiffany Marra

Tiffany Marra has always had a heart for social justice. Even as a high school student in an agricultural part of California with a majority Latino population, she noticed a clear disparity in the opportunities available to different students. Some students were able...