Open Mike: Planning for the Winter 2021 Term
Dean Solomon addresses how the university’s recently announced plans will affect graduate students, including access to asymptomatic testing.
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Dean Solomon addresses how the university’s recently announced plans will affect graduate students, including access to asymptomatic testing.
Chemical Biology graduate student Amanda Peiffer found issues calling into question research that suggested COVID-19 was engineered and intentionally released by China.
Dean Solomon discusses the effects of the order on the Rackham community.
The task force summarizes its first year’s findings and calls on Rackham and U-M graduate programs to prioritize graduate student mental health and well-being alongside academic success.
Rackham Graduate Student Mental Health Task Force chair Meghan Duffy and members Sara Abelson and Janelle Goodwill identify eight ways universities can ensure no student population is left behind by efforts to improve mental health on campus.
Dean Mike Solomon’s remarks from the 2020 State of the Graduate School.
Dean Solomon highlights initiatives from the State of the Graduate School event that address pressing student needs and concerns.
Dean Solomon acknowledges the pressures affecting every aspect of the graduate student experience and outlines steps Rackham is pursuing to help in this uncertain term.
The dean expresses his reaction and shares resources following the release of the report on the Martin Philbert investigation.
The Faculty Mentoring Awards recognize faculty with records of excellence in mentoring master’s and doctoral students across the University of Michigan.