Discover Rackham
Open Mike: Your Right, Your Voice, Your Vote
Dean Solomon urges eligible graduate students to vote, and points to available election resources and information.
Team Including Rackham Alum Recognized for LASIK Surgery Advances
The Golden Goose Award is given in recognition of basic research that led to innovations to improve people’s lives.
Decisive Differences in Healthcare AI
When decisions about your healthcare are informed by AI, bias in machine learning can have dire consequences. Ph.D. student Trenton Chang researches how inequities in healthcare delivery impact machine learning and AI.
Rackham Names New Assistant Dean
Emily Swafford is a historian of 20th century U.S. history with extensive experience in graduate student career development.
Face Value: The Cooperative Choices of Paper Wasps
Rackham student Emily Laub researches the role of facial recognition in wasps—and its impact on co-creating a thriving nest.
Faster, Stronger, Better
Developing new, more efficient batteries has become paramount if automotive and other industries want to move away from fossil fuels. Mechanical engineering Ph.D. student Changyu Deng is developing ways to speed up that process.
Pursuing the Future of Graduate Education
Remarks by Dean Mike Solomon at the Fourth Annual State of the Graduate School event.
Shifting Perspectives: Racial Justice and Social Media
Two Rackham students, Casidy Campbell and Jessica Roden, explore new possibilities for advancing racial justice online and offline.
Home Away from Home
Graduate Rackham International past presidents Maria Mustafa and Yixuan Chen discuss the important role the organization plays in supporting international graduate students.
Rackham Welcomes David Sept as Associate Dean
Sept is a renowned researcher of the molecular details that underlie cellular structure and function.