Discover Rackham
The Mental Game
As a former Michigan athlete and current Ph.D. candidate in the School of Public Health, Traci Carson brings a unique perspective to issues of mental health in college sports.
At the Core: Character
Bouchet Honor Society member Dr. Meredith O. Hope explores the importance of character in academia and in life.
Among the Laureates
The 2019 Nobel Prizes were recently announced. This summer, Rackham physics student Grace Chesmore joined past winners and a select group of students from around the world at the annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.
Rackham Hosts Minority Serving Institutions Summit
Rackham brought together representatives of Minority Serving Institutions from around the country in its first MSI Summit.
The Measure of a “Man”
Rackham psychology and women’s and gender studies student Erick Aguinaldo explores male identity and the cultural forces that create it.
Rackham Backs Mcubed Diamond Projects Aimed at Innovation in Graduate Education
The four projects will support innovations in both master’s and doctoral education.
Rackham Celebrates Donors and Students at Annual Appreciation Event
The annual Donor Appreciation Event celebrated the lasting impact of Rackham’s donors.
No History Left Behind
Educational studies doctoral student Kimberly Ransom is bringing childhood voices back into the story of the historic Rosenwald school in Pickens County, Alabama.
Telling Different (Hi)stories About Writing Assessment in the U.S.
Bouchet scholar and Joint Program in English and Education Ph.D. graduate J.W. Hammond addresses historical racial inequities in the field of writing studies, and how to combat them.
Quantum Leap
Rackham alum Max Radin followed a path from applied physics to quantum computing and software design.