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Discover Rackham

A History of Activism

A History of Activism

In 1985, the Minority Organization of Rackham was formed. Now called Students of Color of Rackham (SCOR), the group continues to expand support and advocacy for the academic, professional, and social needs of graduate students of color.

Open Mike: Planning for the Fall Term

Open Mike: Planning for the Fall Term

Dean Mike Solomon shares thoughts on how Rackham will support the graduate community in a way that recognizes the multiple roles of Rackham students in the university—as students, researchers, scholars, and instructors.

The New Normal

The New Normal

School of Public Health Ph.D. candidate Sarah Rozenblum looks at what lessons the United States can learn from how European countries have approached reopening their economies in the wake of COVID-19.

Driving Toward Sustainability

Driving Toward Sustainability

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen great reductions in travel, a major source of the carbon emissions that drive climate change. Sustainable systems master’s student Nate Hua is working to help the university reduce its own travel impact in the future.